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"Right. …It's just a reason I made up afterwards.
To confess, I've been admiring Tohsaka Rin for a long time.
And this is a problem, but I got to like you even more after I talked to you. So I didn't want you to die, and I jumped down even before I realized it."

-- Emiya Shirou, Day 12 of UBW

Previous thread: >>4309022
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For some reason I like her school outfit a little more than her casual clothes.
They each have their charm; her school uniform emphasizes her class, elegance, charm and style better, while her regular clothes reveal her playfulness and immaturity. I personally find that the formality and modesty of her uniform makes her figure all the more alluring and even erotic.
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i love UBW route the most
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OP here; I know nobody is going to read this but my laptop is having Blue Screen issues and I am not sure I'll be able to salvage it or any of the data on it. I might have to discontinue the threads indefinitely as I am not certain when I'll be able to get my hands on a new device. I imagine that trying to rebuild the old Rin folder from scratch is going to be a fucking nightmare. In the mean time, I'll try to update the threads as frequently as I can.
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Why is she so darn cute and lovable?
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anyone have more compilations of rin being cute with audio?
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I remember the first time I saw her in the movie/ long first episode she was seriously beautiful. Been a fan ever since but the love has long faded. Like my love for Emilia.
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