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>link to umayon!

last hors: >>4310961
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Summer is almost here!
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Daiwa-chan looks so cute with a little teaspoon of malice on her face...
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So true
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Would you still love her if she was actually a robot?
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of course
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Wish I lived in Japan, I wanna watch the new movie so badly.
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me too friend
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Congrats on the bride alt, Kingu! You're beatiful.
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Glad to see she was very moved by the movie.
Is it best not to wear a swimsuit here if possible?
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Swimsuits are fine, there's even a thread of it on the catalog right now.
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hors can eat!
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Sometimes I can't tell if Coffee Horse is actually a cat or a horse!
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I'm loving this idea of Daiwa Scarlet having her own version of Agnes Tachyon's crazy stare.
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Happy birthday Kawasaki Princess!
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Dumb autocorrect
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When we get the Daiwa/Vodka/Aston OVA I hope they have her do that, it'd be pure fan-service but I'd love it.
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Happy birthday Narita Taishin!
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Indeed, I just can't get enough of her looking dangerous, whether it is comical or more serious.
Pic unrelated but still very cute.
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Anotha one
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idk do you think so?
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Sleepy horse.
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She's back!
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I can’t believe we’re actually getting the EN server
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Today is a good day
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Commissioned deep sea boats watching the Umamusume movie.
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That's awesome
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Glad to see you liked it!
Meisho Doto looks surprisingly cool here.
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Raisu's new costume is so cute!
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MANHATTAN CAFE A CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Indeed, Coffee Horse is dangerously cute. Might provoke heart attacks.
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