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It's been awhile since we've had a fun themed thread, so here it is! From her iconic bunny suit to fantastic crossover art, feel free to share your cherished images of our cosplay queen and favorite tea-drinking princess, Kotobuki Tsumugi!

Continued from: >>4308224

Spread the love!
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Image used for the OP, I've always wanted to own a physical copy of this.
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hell of yes dawgs
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For me, it's Keigi's paag Mugi
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I'm torn because i love her with those proportions but sometimes it's a little too bimbo for my tastes
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oh nice
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Guiding my buddy through DSR and he's in the late stage. I've convinced him to not kill Priscilla. Do you guys kill Priscilla?
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I always jump, always.
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I did on my first time through just to experience every boss fight but then forgot to kill gywndolin so it was kind of pointless. But i won't fight her again because she's just chilling and doesn't deserve it. I do hate her line about 'the denizens of this world just want to exist peacefully' because everything in there came at me and the wheel skellys are the opposite of peaceful.
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Mugi is pure str build with wolf and havel rings right?
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Post more rare Mugis.
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Mugi day is coming soon!
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I can't believe it! Mugi's birthday! Just a week away!
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How time flies
I've found plenty of >>>/e/ and >>>/h/ centric artists that manage to somehow straddle between wholesomely cute and smoking hot, so I know that feel, anon.
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I mean more like the lips and tan and the other "unique" aspects of that artist. I have no problem with artistic liberties to Mugi's figure.
Ye, I get that, but portraying Mugi as a kogal is nothing new desu. Still tho, been thinking of starting /ec/ and /dc/ threads for a while now, for images too lewd to post here, but too cute and heartwarming to lump in with the regular brand of degrading smut that passes for content on those boards.
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Eh personally would rather just browse a booru at this point because a lot of the boards on here are starting to grind my fucking nerves. At least mugi thread is pretty much always nice.
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>tfw no summer romance with mugi
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that's it i'm watching k-on
Good choice.
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Happy birthday Mugi!
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Happy Birthday Moog
The greatest day of the year has finally arrived. Wishing all the love in the world to our girl.
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Happy birthday Moogs
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Happy birthday mugi!
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Happy birthday, Mugi!
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Happy birthday Moogee
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