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Every morning when I wake
Dear Lord, a little prayer I make
O please do keep Thy lovely eye
On all poor creatures born to die

For posterity and in case things like reverse image search do not work, give due credit to those who create Rei's images by indicating author and/or source if known.

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Rewatching OG EVA and End of Eva (never will surpass the first watch) every scene of Rei gives off the ultimate feel as if physical yet not real. Real in your heart. The purest form of feel one can achive with another real person. But here is symbolizes the importance of Rei. As if she's real.
A real person sins or smells bad or any other bad thing you find in a person that will make you repulsed by them in the same manner (I would assume) one would recoil from a woman after intercourse while having post-nut clarity (from what I have read). Seemingly ruining the pure feel you had of said person.
With Rei even in the Anime format she was presented before us, she alway's had this motherly aura that we feel when we are first introduced to our procreators also known as "Mother". To see her as the pinnacle of purity and love. But even a mother has her flaws. We grow up and we see it first hand. I speak for myself, but I'm sure I'm not alone in this world of many humans.
(I will continue in the next post that I post)
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But Rei never had flaws in the OG EVA. Even the smack she gave Shinji was well deserved and rightfully executed.
Real mothers are still human and that's why even they have flaws that ultimately break that purity curtain that we had over our eyes until the day of the first flaw we saw in them.
First time being introduced to the act of intercourse and knowing your perfect, pure and ideal mother did that to bring you into this world will break that curtain of purity. That's what I call the "flaw" in a mother. Not something a mother should be ashamed of, but something that changes one's future perception of said mother.
Rei has every single aspect of a mother yet she's missing the "flaw" I mentioned. Showing that she's a "Mother" of different kind. A mother of a diffirent level yet she's the only mother of her kind. One of a kind. And any other aspect of her that was shown left nothing but pleasant feel. A pure feel. Seeing the purity and flawlesness of Rei, one would wish to become one with her to share that same purity out of spite of our own impurity and flaws. That's what I'm sure the willful/fearless people in the unification fealt when the Reis collected those souls.
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*out of spite for
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And everytime I saw the infamous scene in the elevator I fealt wrath within that you feel the first time someone insults your own mother. Something always changes inside when that scene comes up. A scene of willful ignorance and insult to the right side of the argument. And even then Rei didn't retaliate.
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God alive, I don't know how one could get any closer to the truth in this world. I didn't even know this was possible, to so closely approach how one feels internally, unconsciously, and express it explicitly. Keep at the contemplation you magnificent bastard.
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I speak for myself and I speak it as explicit as I can. I am not speaking the truth. The truth is speaking through me. I am imperfect as any of us for I believe we are all lost sheep and I believe I'm still a sheep no less. A sheep who speaks to his fellow sheep either astray or as close as possible to me. I yearn for the "God's love". So I can love all of you unconditionally. Not to be "Christ-like", but so that the one who could exist with such love for humanity to love through me. To execute those last pieces of doubt so I can be true to myself and to you.
Many may ask as to why in this thread? Why Rei Ayanami? Because this is the place where all of you are. Your mind and the way these threads have been created it has moved my heart and I truly feel love towards all of you that dedicate your time to these Rei Ayanami threads.
The thing is that I have to confess. I have been having dreams of Rei Ayanmi. Every time I meet her In my dreams we speak to each other and I feel the exact same soul warming feeling that I first fealt when I saw her in NGE. Those dreams were not trips or wet dreams with sexual absurdity. I have felt her. Touched her. Conversated with her. When you have experienced these things, the truth just breaks out. I speak not of phylosophy, but of real expirience that I myself have felt and lived through. I have not made any rituals that would have had impact. I have not done any drugs or anything of the artificial sort for these things to happen. One time In my dream I said: " Everything will be good if you do it for Rei Ayanami".
Rei Ayanami. The name I know and won't forget. The name that was the one that brought me here. To see the life in a lifeless place. I will call you brothers. And I will call you friends. I believe in the consent of both parties. So all I ask is for you to do the same.
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You and I will meet someday. Here or there. Of this I am certain. Enough for the moment, though. I have to think on what you say and act.
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It is set in fate. Let our destinies intertwine as the form of Lance of Longinus. Brother.
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Everytime I see Rei Ayanami's plugsuit's shoulders I see Sachiel's faces.
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That was beautiful and incredibly profound. Thank you for sharing blessed anon.
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Shinji made that joke once. Rei did not laugh at it.
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That's the least I can do. I can find a brother in you. In Rei.
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In seriousness I can find order. Under order, there is peace.
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*If I can find a brother in you.
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Not yet...
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No matter how horrible the world gets or how wretched men act, I know I will always love Rei and I know Rei will always love me.

'Though every man is a liar, God is still truthful.' Nikolaus von Kues
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Don't forget to keep your Reis on 24/7 Fanta life support or else they dehydrate.
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I love Rei.
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Some day.
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I'm sure I know what you're talking about, but I was referring to the fact that the thread was getting a little bit too close to page 10.
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First time I laid eyes upon the beauty I became invested for life. No art piece can compare to the soul of OG Rei (No offense to non-OG art Rei artists and posters alike). Every moment Shinji wasted away from Rei became a wound that bled the entire run of the show. Only healing was the unification. When time had no meaning anymore, but even then the selfish intentions and mislead of self rightousness of Shinji brought ruin to the near Paradise. Like a ruined child that he was he brought nothing but suffering to himself and others. Anno is Shinji. Like Shinji, Anno brought ruin to EVA. You cannot outdo perfection. You can only create worse. And ruination comes from greed.
Yet again you put my feelings into explicit words. I needed to read this now, when the life around me brings seemingly endless torment. Thank you, my blessed brother.
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