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Happy birthday once again to the archangel of Shimokitazawa and our beloved genki drummer, Ijichi Nijika-chan!
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As promised, here is another Nijika birthday thread. Thanks to anon for reminding me about her birthday.
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Happy birthday Nijika-chan!!!
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Previous thread: >>4283312
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Love her
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Extremely cute. I love this artist's style. It's simple and cute which really fits Nijika. Also impressive that they drew two birthday drawings for her.
>here's another
Can I get a link to the last one (please)?
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Sorry I forgot to backlink.
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Hamaji you lazy cunt. But thanks for the birthday art.
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Kiss the angel.
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Nijika's birthday should be an international holiday.
I love her
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Looks like she's prego from the thumbnail
By me
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Hello me, meet the real me etc.
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There's a picture of nijika standing just off of a street in a city
There's a bus in the background
She's got her green jacket on and has her arms wide open (I think)
And that unbelievably radiant smile she's known for
It was posted once or twice while the show was airing and I haven't been able to find it in my hard drive since
There's such an ethereal, dreamlike quality to it
It's the single most beautiful BTR piece I've ever laid eyes on and is singlehandedly responsible for kick-starting my love for her
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I gotchu, brother.
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I like squatting Nijikas almost as much as I like cross-legged Nijikas.
It's the legs.
She's so beautiful
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Hush, you're not supposed to say that directly.
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Am I right or am I right?
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Thank you bro, this one is very nice but I swear there was another one that was very similar (maybe by the same artist?) unless I'm delusional and imagining things
My search will continue
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Jurassic World reference.
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I can literally hear it in my head.
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This dude really is dedicated.
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To Njk or feet?
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Sweet summery genki angel wife. And legs.
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I'm not a footfag, but...
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>me at night scrolling at pictures of her
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Drummers shouldn't be this sexy
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By me.

Why not?
With me
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Aged like fine wine
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Kiss all of them.
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Those tights make her even better
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>me at night scrolling pictures of myself
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>me on the bottom
Very cute!;)
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I love her
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Who could say no to her?
My melody wife

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