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gives you more to love
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Very underrated girl
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Do hags count, Anon?
Yes, but whales don't. Picrel is the max size I'll accept.
Anon, that's practically the same image, they're both equally obese, maybe you need your eyes checked?
No, you.
Nice sleepi sheepie!
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Okay in fairness you're probably right, I just think it's a bit too fetish-y is all
I really do love this character, shame the artist doesn't seem to have done much with her recently.
Watched that anime just for that cake and dropped it after2 eps. Fucking snooze
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mai waifu
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which anime is this?
He posted an OC as the OP, but he's probably thinking of Real Drive, which is like the only anime with a canonically chubby important character
>Thread Music:
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I love this image! It's really hard to find anime pics of bigger girls.
Sauce? This art is really cute. I can't even find it on SauceNAO
The artist is rtil, it's from his Patreon (which can be found on kemono). Same character as this >>4338761
>Chubby Nep in ice climber gear
Fug it, this is a Mei thread now!
bait, but it's at least a little ironic that you chose to write it in ebonics
Well at least the shitposter is gone now, but plz post moar Mei tho ;P
Sure, but please try to avoid fetish-y stuff (I know I was being a hypocrite with the synecdoche pic)
I am for the most part, using a combination of setting my tag rating to sensitive only and my own personal judgement.
>The real thread music
Based BritPunk enjoyer, although https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EN-Zyf1MGUs would work just as well.
Who is she? Adorable.
Inutade from Delicious in Dungeon
Doesn't she get killed by Birb Lady?
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post nanaco
she's cute, where's she from
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not from anything, just @meisharan's character on twitter
she's cute fr fr
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So nice we can have a BBW thread on /c/ to celebrate body positivity of all kinds! Here anons, have a steaki.

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