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East meets West.
Previous thread: >>4322741
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Cool, a Gochiusa thread!
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Don't do it Chiya!
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Chiya is a good girl, she is just returning the mace.
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Chiya a cute.
Yamato Nadeshiko.
Chiya looks so soft...
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Chiya's fat goes in all the right places.
Also remember to post an image along with text.
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Cute CocoChiya. Hadn't seen that one before.
And all your fat goes in the wrong places.
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What is she eating?
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I'm lazy so I'll quote another anon:
>>Mysterious food!
>>Mysterious cultured bread! ( 'ч' ) ŧ‹”ŧ‹”
>I want to believe that it's bread with anko or sponge cake with anko, a mix of Japan and Europe.
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That anon was me, so I guess I replied to my own question haha.
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Lmao I didn't mean to quote your own post to answer your question.
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Not a ChiyaSyaro guy but this is a very well-drawn picture.
You don't have to be any kind of guy to appreciate cute girls
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Cute genki baker wife.
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Huh, is that what they said? I must've remembered wrong.
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Happy birthday to the twins!
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Finally some good twins art.
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Iced matcha.
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how many threads until season 4?
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Just two more threads.
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Cute Chiya!
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Cute Meg.
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watashi ga watashi wo mitsumetemashita
futari iru~
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Lots of softness lately.
Those early manga illustrations are so lewd.
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