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Because they are hot, energetic and full of spirit.
Let's post all the cute tomboys we can!
Previous thread:
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full agree on that
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Fightan games tomboys!
So true friend.
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>wearing gym spats/booty shorts in the middle of fucking winter
absolute pottery how do her legs not freeze?
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Women walk in miniskirts in winter, fashion is clearly more important to them than body temperature.
Ricchan a cute!
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And Yuffie!
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FF7 truly does have the best vidya tomboys besides Persona amirite?
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Resident Evil, Street Fighter, King of Fighters... Lotta good tomboys there.
I didn't include fightan characters cuz that would be cheating. At that point you'd be hard pressed to point out which girls ARENT tomboys, lul... That and we'd be here until bump limit if we open that can of worms. At any rate, here's some more jrpg waifus, starting with another FF favorite:
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If you post tomboys, then I don't mind letting the worms out.
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wht about a police tomboy?
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or a mechanic tomboy?
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they're great
>captcha: grr8
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