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Sweltering days, pesky bugs and wildfire hazards, it's summer alright.. at least there's ice cream.

Previous thread: >>4315687
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Right and delicious strawberries and other berries too I suppose. But why must they cost so much..
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Marseille is so prideful but I love her for it.
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Happy Birthday to Lynne!
Such a precious witch
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My beautiful wife.
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Cursed Coke cake.
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I tried to find more drawings by this artist (tricky 46) and I just found out he nuked his account :(

Did anyone by chance save his Pixiv and is willing to share?
Sadly not, I do however have a decent chunk of his "more wholesome" Lynne art saved because I really love Lynne. Though I don't know how much of that isn't on the boorus already
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I hope tricky resurfaces someday.
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I might be WAY off base here, but didn't they die? Or was that a different witch artist?
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Damn, I usually save the Pixivs of Witch artists I like but I guess I missed one. At least I grabbed the cute Ginny though.
Same. I've been seeing his stuff pop up occasionally for the past couple of years and it's unfortunate to see his accounts nuked. I hope he's doing alright.
I think you're thinking of this guy. https://x.com/uzis7/status/1547981818561196033
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The ost soft tracks are lovely, hard to believe sometimes they're from a ecchi anime.
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It's Rudel's birthday
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Alright, I chuckled

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