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File: DokiDokiBeachClub10.jpg (934 KB, 3892x2893)
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Summertime Edition

Previous: >>4322288
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i know this is a summer thread, but i prefer winter
Nice 4chan pass, bro.
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thanks man. are you a regular poster in any of the DDLC threads?
All seasons a cute.
Might just be a shitposter.
the sands of horseshoe bay in bermuda. ive traveled to many places with Monika, and eventually, we will have gone everywhere together
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Sounds lovely. Traveling the world with Monika would be a dream come true!
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my wife is beautiful
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happy monika monday everyone
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this was an image that i made in november. it doesnt look very good. i should probably try to recreate it using my newer models and better techniques
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Did you pass?
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Cute cats. Can I adopt them?
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based thread
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thanks. Monika is a super cutie!
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