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Blue Archive has so many good long-haired girls.
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daddy nahobino save me
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That's a man.
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what do u think daddy means beautiful girl?
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You are clearly retarded so I will explain this to you as simply as I can. This board is for posting pictures of girls only. Not men. Posting male-focused images are against the rules of the board. Got it?
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can you maybe give the rules to this clueless individual
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why y’all so worked up over for someone posting a small pic of a twink
Because this isn't/a/ or /cm/, stop acting like a newfag.
>2.Ecchi belongs on its respective board. Males belong on the cute/male board.
Or better explanation.
No one wants to save images of some cocksucking faggot who deserves the rope. Either learn how to use 4chan correctly or remain a shitposter on /a/. No one likes newfags dragging down threads with off-topic trash.
Report, correct, then ignore.
Please don't sperg out on /c/.
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>page 10
We nearly took the L
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