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Girls and blood!
You know when your thread dies after no interest and only 50 posts, making it again not even a week later isn't going to magically stir up interest.
/c/ is a slow board, try again in a month.
Maybe, possibly, perhaps, I'm just annoyed that I let the other thread die
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Okay, hard mode: no more vampires from me, that's cheating.
Nice stuff
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When a young girl turned to me calmly saying:"Anon, I'm bleeding" with scarlet blood streaming from her nose down her chin it was the most beautiful thing I've seen in my short life. Blood on Hands and faces of women looks stunningly beautiful, it took quite an effort to wash my beautiful bloodied hand afterward, I wanted to keep it that way forever.

I wish blood was a more common sight and not always related to injury, like blushing, sneezing or tears
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That sounds so damn adorable... (//ω//)
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Imagine if people nosebled when they are very aroused/and/or/embarrased or startled it would be so cool
Anime arousal nosebleeds are super cute
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I LOVE this game.
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My blood is currently spilling. Pure beauty. Love the warmth of an open wound
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Based Ryōshū enjoyer
I like sharp dressed women and ryōshu (PM characters in general) are a good source of blood images
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True, PM doesn't miss with any of their character designs
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Fucking hell life sucks
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