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Our gal has been making it big recently!
She's got a bunch of cool songs and even more cute pictures.
The era of Vocaloid monopoly has come to an end, now the Teto Takeover is upon us!
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It doesn't matter if it's the SV or UTAU design, all flavors of Teto are welcome.
Friends of Teto are also welcome but just remember there's a Miku thread too >>4325688
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And it's always fine if there's Teto!
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Teto rocks. She's my favorite virtual singer. She puts her soul, blood and sweat into these bits and bytes.
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I see tons of Fanarts with Teto and Rei. But I don't know much about Rei. Is she the next big UTAU after Teto?
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Rei is an actual real crowdfunded robot being built that just happens to have an UTAU voicebank already. She's got a website: https://mechanicalgirl.jp/adachi-rei/
I think she's just gaining attention at around the same time as Teto's resurgence, so the pairing seems natural.
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>Rei is an actual real crowdfunded robot being built that just happens to have an UTAU voicebank already.
That's actually pretty damn cool. I headcanoned that Teto was something like a mentor figure to Rei and was showing her the ropes since she's new.
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The Teto Takeover is imminent.
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Blessed be thy Tetos
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Little me Teto is pretty different but still cute.
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Can she survive without her drills?
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What's a Teto without her drills?
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How big are Teto's boobs?
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Depends on how much bread she has eaten.
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The drills rebel
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Total Teto Love
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