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previous >>4330816
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Not enough Nekota itt for my taste. Let's change that, shall we?
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wow I can't believe the frogs are getting their own movie
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fucking dumb sugarless Oshida
I'm just happy my favorite blonde autist and her algerian friend will be getting more screentime.
File deleted.
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Andou is white she just from the south
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Yeah, but how far south, hmm?...
Anyway, here's more Marie!
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basically sicily
So... Corsica, then. Got it.
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Sicily, Corsica, Algeria... It matters not. Andou is, as pop singer Indila so elegantly put it: "Je suis une enfant du monde".
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Katyusha is taking command of this operation
Not so fast, Pipsqueak! Like hell us anons are taking orders from a Ruskie!
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How dare you challenge Katyu's authority!
She wont stand for this insubordination
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bit spicy for /c/...
Mods don't care, pretty sure they ignore reports from this thread desu
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nah. they've deleted some of my posts recently for being too /a/ an /e/
At least they do bare minimum I guess
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Anon, it's a swimsuit, just look at the other image directly above it, it's the same outfit. By your logic, Sukumizu and bunnygirls threads should be banned for being too lewd. Like the other guy said, jannies don't care unless it's lingerie or their nipples are showing, it's fine.
>like the other guy said
I meant that as in they don't care about board quality as /c/ gets double digit posts a day.
>it's fine
By /a/ standards yeah, but for /c/ lewd doesn't have to be nude. I'd say a picture where half of the image is just an ass isn't cute, that's more of a shitpost if anything.
It's not black and white, those threads are great when the images aren't all ass or tits. At that point it's /e/ territory.
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Algerian, but I accept your concession, anon.
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Anchovy, my spicy wife
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All units, prepare to advance!
You better not be trying to invade Kyiv again, anon...
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All ur Kiev, r belong to us!
So that's how we're gonna play, huh? Then let's play!
>*Attack on Titan music starts playing*
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Happy birthday to this future commander!
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>Calling Nilgiri a mob
I hate you and everything you stand for
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I'll remember her name when she does something worse remembering in 5 or 6
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Perhaps you'd like to try that again in English?
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They're being mean to me on /a/ again!
In this, Katyusha will not fail!
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she strong
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she jobbed to wani lol
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celebrate the femcel
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Just a bit
JUST THE TIP IS FINE! (of Italy, that is, Veni, Vidi, Vici, etc.)
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yeah i'd let her shoot me
Me too, probably. Anyways, here's my last Andou picture for today!
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merci for le cute Andous
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You're very welcome. Tis a pleasure to chat with anons on /c/, much more chill than a lot of the other boards!
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oui. I see the same Andouposters over and over
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is that a FAMAS?
Oui, it is indeed.
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Finland, Japan
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