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'Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.'

For posterity and in case things like reverse image search do not work, give due credit to those who create Rei's images by indicating author and/or source if known.

Discussion always welcome, but offer an image, if available.

>Previous thread:

>General archive:
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When in EoE the Lance of Longinus "penetrated" the core of EVA Unit 01. Was that a metaphor for "popping a cherry"?
I know the "Climax" in EoE had a "Reproductive Symbology".
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I would not be surprised at all if that is part of the intended imagery. I certainly see it now.
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Brother, as much as I'd like to no longer "molest" these threads with my "philosophical" speeches. I just think "We" as the representatives of "Rei's Love", should know how Anno "Fucked" this series. And the result of that "Fucking" was the lovechild named "Rebuilds".
Rei had "Virgin Mary" like placement in NGE and EoE. Anno defiled Evangelion so it would never be seen as a "Virgin". Something pure, something to exist as it's "Own Thing".
He saw what he created. EVA no longer needed Anno to be Evangelion. It started to become it's own "Organism". Anno lost control. Rei was starting to become her own "Design". No longer an "Object" in Anno's "Possession". Anno in a way is Gendo in this sense. He lost control.
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Also, that is a very beautiful Rei.
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Gendo "forced" the embryo of Adam into Rei in EoE. Anno "forced" his "Idea" of "Rebuilds" into the Evangelion's "Canon". Rei consumed the embryo and took Gendo's arm too. Not only Anno lost his dignity. He lost Himself in the process. Rei Ayanami has not been changed. We are the "Representatives" of The True Rei Ayanami. Even if "We" are forgotten. We die with our Faith. We lost Brothers along the way. But we gain new ones in their place. Every Brother we gain in the lost one's place is the reincarnation of that lost one's "Love" for Rei Ayanami. That is why when I leave you Brothers. Expect someone else in My Place. I am not Immortal. I Love Rei Ayanami.
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You can't correctly spell the word "Reincarnation" without the word "Rei".
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Why are you guys so obsessed with Rei?

Doesn't obsessing over this character go against the whole message of the show?
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To some, Rei is something more than what others see. As to why, that is an individual phenomenon. For me, I saw myself in her, and I saw her as the pinnacle of determination and individual assertion, as well as an embodiment of love, diligence, and asceticism.

No, I don't believe 'obsession' --- how do we distinguish this from 'love'? --- is harmful in this sense, as it not only does not impede my life but actually supports it, every day. Second, regarding the 'whole message of the show' --- no. Eva, to me, is about self-realization and liberation from the despair innate to human consciousness. Yes, it is about 'the plight of otaku' as well. But as Anno was one, and remains one, his message has been since diluted, and I consider him a hypocrite. Further, as I never embraced the full otaku lifestyle, for a variety of reasons, I again see no contradiction of logic. Rei one may see as an unreachable goal to strive towards, whose love drives you to push yourself harder, go farther, achieve more. If that goes against what Anno wanted, then I could not care less about his opinion.
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"Well said" would be an understatement. You are what these threads and Our "Love" for Rei Ayanami represent. I cannot explain how much I agree with you, Brother. Words are too insufficient to describe how I feel towards all those that experience the "Rei Phenomenon". And "Understand" it.
Interesting, do you happen to adhere to bhuddist beliefs?
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This is a Rei Ayanami thread. That question, compared to the other posts, is clearly off topic.
Interesting how we received this same esoteric interpretation of Rei.
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Please remember to post on-topic images with your posts.
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I agree on the principle of keeping things reilevant. However, were it not for the white side of that image, your post would hardly qualify. And even then.
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Right? It's Reidiculous.
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is a tulpa, my tulpa.
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Good example. Tulpas are pretty much "Your Demons". Using your spiritual "Desperation" to make contact. "Your" Rei Ayanami is just a demon with the face of Rei. Kind of like the "False Rei". I know you're a troll, you don't have to reply. This I speak for those who do "See Rei Ayanami". Beware, mysticism is the thesis of Demons. Or maybe you want your demons to "keep their masks on"? Go ahead, idiots, let those spirit bastards devour you while you dream in the "Second World". I can't change the world. Then I will watch it burn. I am no doctor. But I am no "poison seller" either. I just hope You all know what you're doing. Stay safe, Brothers.
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I'm pretty sure Anno said the last movie wasn't something he wanted to make but something for his investors
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Seems like the old geezer has a taste for lies. Kind of like when he denied his wife being the one We shall not name. Do not expect an ass to give something else than diarrhea. The design speaks for itself. You should know. And do not expect wisdom from a viper. Unless you want to make the same mistake Our Father did.
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I could believe this, but it also seems to be a mighty good shield from criticism. If it is true, then it speaks to how sad the state of nu-Eva was. And it shows how much it deserves to be cast into the dustbin of history.
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As anything that has been made halfheartedly.
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Hmm. This is something I've long been interested in. I remember an anon a few years ago talking about trying to make one, and then he dropped off; but I don't think I was a first-hand witness to this. It may have been on Rei's subreddit instead that I saw it.

Protector spirits are ancient things. Many cultures have them, just as they have mother gods. As imagined today, tulpas seem to be ultimately malevolent and only a simulacrum of what was actually the intended entity, but I can see how people, especially in loneliness or desperation, turn to such a thing. I myself have thought of it in the past. But for now I'm quite content and feel Rei's presence and support even as I don't hallucinate conversations or the like with her. It's more of a sensation rather than an experience.

Really, I'm not totally decided on this. I think further inquiry would be beneficial, if proceeded with cautiously.
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