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Hololive, Phase Connect, Indies, etc.
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Dunno what the fuck happened to wipe out the entire board but I'm not letting that stop me.
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Just 5 hours left...
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it was fun while it lasted...
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I'm still sad.
What is the point of posting here vs. /vt/? Is it assurance that the people posted are cute?
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I want to see cute chuubas without getting assaulted by awful horny pictures, annoying "thread culture", tribalfaggotry, and autists screeching about the existence of men.
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Just because boards like /vt/ exist shouldn't prevent someone from posting cute vtubers
I haven't forgotten her.
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Gonathan, my beloved...
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Happy Birthday to my lovely kettle genius!

I hope she feels better soon.
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I wish I liked her design as much as the prior kettle but HBD
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You are not alone
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It took some getting used to for me as well, but I warmed up to it once I realized she likely had more input on the design, so it's probably closer to how the performer herself would like to be represented.
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End of an era.
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Amesame forever...
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I love that outfit a lot, she's so cute.
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