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Welcome back, Floof Friends! I was afraid for a moment!
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For Yena-lover Anon
For Chubby-Lover Anon
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For my fellow Fuga fans
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We're getting this thread off on the right foot! No sexual comments, you silly sodomite! May God smite you (or save you)!
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Bruh christian girls are the best, you're only temping me tsk tsk tsk
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Floofsisters... What went wrong?
Theres no women here

Also I dunno we tried so hard, and we got so far, but in the end, it doesnt even matter
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what the FLUFF happened on /c/???
Was there a hacker attack or did they downsize the board?
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gushing over cute characters is a very female thing to do though

the body is round
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you guys too?!
what is going on here? half of the thread got deleted every on 4chan
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>mods press wrong button
>many boards nuked accidentally
Not much else to it.
>gushing over cute characters is a very female thing to do though
I disagree. Men especially like cute women, this is a very male activity
close enough
Counterpoint: women especially like cute men.

nta but honestly, it isn't inherently a male or female trait and arguing one way or the other is stupid and made for people who feel the need to cope for whatever reason. Just enjoy the thread senpai, cute things are cute and everyone likes that.
Bold choice of clothes for someone within squeezing range
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big teef
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praying for my girl Nanachi
Thats monster girl, not kemono.
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Nanachi is honorary kemono, as the closest thread to this one on the board.
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Good morning
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Is that supposed to be an Avali?
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I think so which is weird because I would have never expected to see a kemono avali, usually those are more of a western furry thing
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That is a really cool picture, OP
>get in, anon
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Kemono VN is in the works
and it's NOT bara this time
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Reader to order her plushy?
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I love this potato so much it's unreal
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Ah! I don't know if anyone remembers this from previous threads, but I'm an enormous plushy fan. I might have to finally set up a proxy service to order her. Complicated stuff like that is gonna kill me though!
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Based plushie enthusiast
really hope that one day this manga returns
chubby + fluffy is a powerful combo
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I just realized I have 1200 kemono girl pictures saved. I save every picture that looks cute, but then they just sit on my computer and I don't look at them again. I think I have a problem.
>Tell me more about those... Bionicles
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Heavy fluffing
Has there ever been one not bara ever?
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I know one but it's an [spoiler]eroge[/spoiler]
smelly dog
BIG kemono girls
ₜᵢₙᵧ kemono girls
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BIG kemono girls
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where'd that cute fox at the beach go :(
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Shhh... let her cook
Rabbit Onee-sama looking extra chubby in the recent chapter

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Handsome kemono ladies. (ω*)
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Forgive me, I lost myself for a bit there
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I have a requirement for more handsome kemono ladies
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Kemomecha is a severely unexplored genre
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Titanic kemono girls.
I love handsome kemono girls, wish I had some to post.
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the one thing I'm always wobdering about with super giantess pics is 1. who the hell made their clothes 2. why dont they sink into the ground under their own weight 3. how do they breath at such altitudes
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Mihoyo is starting to develope proper taste
She's not gonna be playable is she? Cause I don't wanna get my hopes up.
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they're so very rare but that makes me love them even more
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Her model detail level is player-character tier, plus her stats have been teased to use the player framework
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Are there any cute boar/piggu kemono?
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New 'Inu dropped
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oh no
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Been rereading and really enjoying Fate/Stay Night. Does anyone has some cute Fate/Tsukihime kemono?
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>I shall call her... Mini-Me
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Collecting the cheese tax
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Total Carrot love
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I need this
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Are there any good sites or communities for kemono? I mean, we have these threads which are nice but /trash/ is anti-kemono and every space for kemono I find online is flooded with shitty western art.
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I've heard that boards.4chan.org/c/ is a comfy place for kemono
Kemonos that engage in mischief and tomfoolery
I love her
Pretty much just /c/, even with its faults it's the best place. If you speak english then any community you find will include western styled art, it's just how it goes.
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Back then when the internet was much more fun there were websites like komonochan, but alas those days are long gone.
Also there is literally nothing that would fuel a kemono community nowadays. No anime, no games, no nothing.

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