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/kdg/ - Kawaii Diffusion General - "Welcome back!" Edition

/kdg/ is where we share and enjoy kawaii AI-generated anime girls and discuss the latest advancements in kawaii generation technology. Remember to follow /c/ rules.

> Local Install
Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://rentry.org/comfyui
SD WebUI: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
Easy Diffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

> Resources

> Guides
Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Link Hub: https://rentry.org/rentrysd
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/59xed3
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
PonyXL Stuff: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff

Mac: https://drawthings.ai
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
CPU: https://rentry.org/cputard

> Other Diffusion Generals
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Anon didn't give us the logo URL and I find it a bit weird to have a logo when nobody else on the board does (and I'm lazy)
Let's see if this one makes it through a full thread
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And one Miku before I go
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Maybe 2
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I tried. It was flagging the catbox link as spam
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>we accidentally half the fucking website
i think you could just link a rentry with a link to the logo inside it if it's not letting you link it normally in the op
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Oh gee, what a coincidence. I'm sure it was just an oopsie.
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I don't think I would have bothered adding it to the image anyway but I appreciate you sharing it. Maybe next thread.
It ran out of pixels for the second one?
Lovely background
Awesome style. What image did you use for vibe transfer if you don't mind sharing?
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Yeah looks like it did. You're not gonna believe what I used for the vibe transfer.. It was this xD
Oh and I love your girl. The little creature and her make a cute duo. Love the lime green and hot pink/purple color combos.
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Oh my...
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thicc mio...

top lel
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Don't know much about v-tubers but that pic is very nice.
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Amazing! Might give it a try with IPAdapters at some point myself!
Vtubers have pretty intersting designs most of the time. I was going through my backlog for forgotten gens
Great images deserve to become the next thread OP. Nice texture on the dress of this one too
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need christian tomoko gf..
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Your pics look so nice and clean. Makes me want to grind out some new ones of my own to share. Will come back later to see how the thread is going!
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Appreciate it. I'll have to fire up the furnace to cook some more /c/ images and keep those for /vt/
You get icecream-chan for now
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In that image she does have 6-fingers though. On both hands! So they're not that good. Cute takagi and really nice shade of orange. Will await your contributions! Need to cook some more myself.
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Would you be interested in some 'buttter sup'?
I always get major impostor syndrome looking at all of you anons extracting such beautiful styles outta stable diffusion kek
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And why is that? Are you an artist or just can't get stable diffusion to do these kind of styles? If it's the first, I heard some have started using AI for reference and there is even a Krita plugin for assisted drawing, as for the latter, you can ask for catboxes and most would probably be willing to share so you can "steal" some info from them.
i would say it is my own lack of artistic intuition i guess. i fuck around a lot with model and lora mixing, doing xy plots, different merging strategies, having goals to reach a particular style. but it never works out. Which is not surprising considering the fact that i am not an artistic person at all (i am more of an analytical person).

also it doesn't seem right to just copy someone else's style. cultivating my own style that looks good and is distinguished seems a lot more fulfilling.
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I see. Well, all I can say for my images, the styles are all made without any loras or finetuning. They're just artist mixes used on non-pony models. My usual flow is go to danbooru, use the related tags feature , search for something, like 'chibi' with artist results and start testing the top artists together until something comes out looking nice.

This led me to using 'rebecca \(keinelove\), hana kazari, kouji \(campus life\)' on the latest Kohaku model and getting this style
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I gave a nuggie to this little fella and she's still crying. What do I do now?
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not sure if it would be useful to you since i use "non-standard" shit but here you go


Missing from the info of the file is that i used the following LORA

I wish I was smart enough to use computer stuff. Can I get a few pic of kuroki-san as a nun please?
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Cute! Love the chemtrails kek
She needs BBQ dip! (or sweet and sour)
This looks kinda cool, right?
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I like it
shit. now I'm craving ice cream . The bottom of the bowl looks drenched in chocolate syrup.
I wonder if she would make a good nun? I actually don't think she would lol. She would likely lash out at society even more from her new "high moral standing/enlightened perspective.
Thank you very much.
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Wow the background on that one is crazy
Made a basic rentry for /kdg/. Will flesh it out more if and as /kdg/ gains more traction.
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I meant to say nice work. I hope it does get more traction.
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same as >>4357974
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Wow! An umbrella that continues on the other side correctly!
outside_border is the best
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The background is beautiful

She's cute. I should gen chibis soon.
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Is that 2manysnacks? The style comes out really nice!
Chibis are just easy way out so I don't have to deal with rerolling for a failed cigarette
I had to search it up but I can see the strong resemblance hehe
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Looks like I got lucky heh. I need more rainy day gens because I LOVE rainy days.
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Don't do it, Eve!
Amazing lighting effects!
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Happy you liked it! Oooh.. touhou gens. Now we're talking!
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>outside_border is the best

You think so? Sometimes I get them unprompted kek
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Until the broom breaks
I really, really love the effect. Especially when they interact with it, like there being a border and them holding onto the border as if it were a window or something. Don't really have an example now but it feels like they're breaking the 4th wall.
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Ohh, here's one. Apparently it's even a tag named 'fourth_wall'
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There is always something or somebody stopping her from grabbing onto the edge!
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Coming out of the tv also counts as breaking the 4th wall, I guess.
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The AI knows
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Oh yeah I get you now. Good to know! I'll have to remember that next time I want to spice up a gen with something extra.

Who are these cuties?
Gorgeous. Loving these AI specific art styles that didn't really exist before.
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Thanks. Yeah, AI opens up the door for mixing and matching different styles at a very granular level, so there's a lot of room for experimentation.
Really nice style.
NTA, any tip for pony-based models? (I use AutismMix DPO.) I know there is a spreadsheet for hashed artist tags but it’s a mess and many of the reference images are not quite helpful.
What tip are you looking for? I do not have much of an idea about artist loras for pony to be frank, as I rarely use it myself. I spent the past few months trying to unfuck it, merging it into different models and so on. But nothing worked as I wanted it to. If you do not intend to make /h/ material, there is hardly any point to use it imo. If you want it to output cute stuff by default, I might have something that can help, but I haven't tested chibis on it yet, and unknown styles and characters will remain unknown. It's just the default style that would change. https://civitai.com/models/692446/ponycolors
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Tips on making cute characters: (Assuming use of Autism Mix, or a Pony-based model for context)

There's "cute yuki mix" that goes hard on the chibi style. The series keywords "made in abyss" and "lucky star" help with chibi.
kobayashi-san_chi_no_maidragon can make clones of kanna, though you need "dragon_girl, horns, animal ears" to get rid of her horns, which has a heavy bias from that series keyword in Autism Mix. Put "slit pupils" in negative to get rid of the dragon-eyes too, since that comes packaged in if you use the maid-dragon series keyword.

There is a civitai LorA for "age slider", which can make chibis when put to -2 to -5, depending on other factors. May god rest your soul if you abuse this power.

Command word "chibi" itself does okay on some models (not sure if it works on Autism mix), sometimes, but the words of "loli" and "female child" help make more chibi-style characters. On pony diffusion "(cute:1.2), shortstack" helped make more chibi characters, but there's a pretty big bias to wide hips and an emphasized chest if you use shortstack.
But I mainly use ponyFae, and I don't think AutismMix clicks with the "shortstack" and "cute" keywords.

Warning: All the above information could possibly be abused, and I'm not responsible for what you do with it. I make wholesome stuff, and try to learn more about the keywords to manage both positive and negative prompts.

Again, please use responsibly.
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> dem knees
Nice pic.
what loras/keywords did you use for this style? Which base model?
I'd like to know how to get this pose with sitting with the knees up. "knee up" "knees up" "both knees up" doesn't work on Pony.

Any keywords for getting a drinking cup with straw?
"cup" makes a coffee cup, or a glass.
"can" or "soda can" are both inconsistent, but, well, look like a can and not like that cup.
"fast food cup" caused Pony to turn the output
to noise

fugg, that's a good gen... tried some witchy stuff before, including harry potter-like gens, and that one's dang neat. Did you have a LorA for "holding wand"? That part would never work for me on Pony as a base model.

>>4357583 requesting info on any base model/lora to get an anime-screencap look like this.
Closest I have is the Retro Anime 80's Ckpt, but that's for a more pre 2000's look.

top kek, mate. I need to img-to-img more random stuff like this with a bunch of kawaii keywords.

Is that ame-chan? The needy streamer girl?
Requesting info on how to get the glitchy background effect, since that's dope as hell.
Did you achieve this through separately genning the background and the character, then shooping it together?
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>"knees up"
That's the one. The model is not pony
Here is an entire album of the images that didn't cut it

>Is that ame-chan? The needy streamer girl?
>glitchy background effect
"glitch, window \(computing\), cursor, cd, dolphin, warning sing" on any non-pony model should get you more or less something similar.
No separation used, it's just a single gen.
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Those background flowers are amazing
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>Any keywords for getting a drinking cup with straw?
I could get that with "burger, disposable cup", but without the burger I get coffee cups and mugs.
You can check the file here

LORAs used: Oil painting, Kantoku, Rustle (all SD1.5)

oops Reply meant to >>4358717
thanks for the keywords
. i've been trying to get a neat oil-painting feel. There's also some loras for "watercolor" and "palate knife" that i'll experiment with as well, as far as the category of "art medium" goes.

excellent info.
i haven't been able to reproduce the effects, but I did get some interesting effects from "warning sign". That tended to spawn a wall or put the character in a corner next to a wall with poster-like signs on it. (high variabliity, low consistency, using a Pony model)
Definately something i'll follow up on.

Kek, I need to start a collection of word associations that help to curb particular details.

For example "braided hair" and "kimetsu no yaiba" tends to make Mitsuri's very thick twintail braids, even when "twintails" is not used.
Genshin_impact as a keyword, when paired with "braided hair" gets biased towards a single braided ponytail, probably cause of Lumine's hair, and actually will look pretty close to Elsa from Frozen if you turn it blonde. I just kinda stumbled on that association.

"alcohol, holding cup" tends to be beer when paired with "dress" or "city", but turns into an asian-style sake-cup when paired with "kimono" or, understandably, "east asian architecture".

Anyone else experience other word pairings like that?
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I just use the k-on! loras from Civit. The Mio wallpaper was on the Anything chkpt and this one is on Pony Autism. There's some good style loras from Frieren, Aoki Ume, or Watanabe Akio too, it's better if you're emulating a specific show rather than a general anime look.
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cute thread
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i dont diffuse cutely but i like this thread
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What's stopping you?
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>cute anons general
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>first day of camping be like
What are you talking about? It just looks like generic mush, and it's full of errors.
it is nice to look at, especially the eyes
The eyes look the same as 95% of anime-styled AI art
>generic mush
for us, yes
for them, no
It's just so sad. Clearly they have some kind of passion for creating things, why not actually learn to draw?
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Well maybe I was just trying to be nice!
I'm not against being nice, this shit just really rubs me the wrong way.
no one is forcing you to look at it. filter and move on.
Pick up a pencil, it won't hurt you, I promise
What do you anons reckon makes it difficult to put these painterly detail backgrounds in modern anime? It would make the overly digital and tiled backgrounds look more artistic, and almost (though never quite) on the level of 90's/00's anime. Copyright? Compute? Time?
let's try not to get off topic too much
As someone who draws digital art and still uses AI to increase the efficiency of my process, I wish my peers like you would stop clinging to very nearly outdated notions of what art is and how it is supposed to be done. Everything changes over time, even art.

I see artists crying over AI stealing their art styles and I just don't get it. Sure, my art style may be stolen, but I can use the same technology that stole my art style to diversify and evolve my style, something I couldn't do before due to my own human limitations. It is crazy to me how so many artists just ignore this side of the coin and keep shouting in their echo chamber of woes.

And before you cry about AI requiring good hardware, there are a great deal of cloud AI service options available. It is what I personally use. if you can pay an exorbitant sum of money for a Photoshop subscription, you can pay for online AI services.

I swear, you people give off the same energy as all the "I had to walk 17 miles to go to school" grandpas.
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wow she's cute
>disfigured hands
>mismatched shoes
>errors around the eyes
>hair makes no sense
>clouds mismatch the rest of the image and make no sense in scale
>obi is completely fucked up
>tree split into pieces
>inconsistent details in ground
That's not efficiency, that's laziness.
>people are not allowed to post WIPs

Okay, by pointing all that out, I'm assuming you can tune the model to fix all errors in your butthurt list. If tuning is possible, then let's get back to the question i asked. Why don't we see the AI generated painterly backgrounds used more in modern anime? Is it too soon? Have you come across some instances of it being used as such?
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If you just learned how to draw, you wouldn't have to worry about any of that.
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I'd wager it's definitely happening soon if not already on a smaller probing test scale like for backgrounds as you mentioned.
K grandpa, time for meds.

Jokes and snark aside, maybe filter out the thread and take some time to actually think about AI besides just vehemently denouncing it, and maybe consider the fact that the art landscape is changing and maybe you should get on the bandwagon early. People shat on bitcoin before it blew up, then suddenly everyone wanted a piece. And AI art ain't even as obscure as Bitcoin was, and it's having positive use cases already.
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Requires time and energy. You learned how to draw when you were younger? Good for you.
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So you admit you're just lazy and not an artist at all. Got it.
And no, I can't draw very well because I lack the patience to put in the work. I'd still never consider using AI.
Been a while since I've seen an artfag meltie in AI thread, feels like 2022 again.
So you agree this isn't art.
Don't care how call it. I call it aislop and it doesn't prevent me from having fun with the stuff.
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Having the time and patience (like you said) to learn is a luxury. None of us see ourselves as artists, in fact we see this as a game. You will never understand so cease your bickering. This is not a thread for your grievances.
I get your stance anon, but now i have to ask whether you also love anime, like i assume most anons in this thread/board do? If so, then we have to remember that the anime industry at the high level, i.e. studio execs, etc. are enjoying the fruits of the current boom the most. Whereas the industry low level, the actual workers/animators/(painters?) are having a tough time overall (there might be some outliers where they get proper compensation for an anime's success). Due to capitalism (i'm not Marxist, just a observer and realist of capitalism) we'll likely only see increased leaning into time saving techniques that would diminish the visually artistic aspect of the medium (think 3D with shell shading variations, etc.). But the workers/animations/painters will not get to enjoy more free time as afforded by more efficiency. Instead, studios will simply see it as an opportunity to pump out more anime ('content' at that point). So my dream is that in the near future, we'll see more indie studios pop up, where they creatively and beautifully make use of AI, with the sole purpose of preserving/enhancing visual beauty/appeal, akin to the golden oldies. Such that they would be able to compete with the big guys while maintaining their artistic integrity, and enjoying a healthy work/life. Whereas the big guys might at that point, be taking on DEI/ESG woke policies for that Black Rock money.
*work/life balance
Now, there's a qt patootie. Imagine such detail in modern anime, while letting studio staff go home at 5pm. I think it's doable with AyyEyye
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based take. cheers
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This whole thing reminds me when back then when Guitar Hero / Rockband were a thing, people were having fun with those games and some people would say "umm, you know that's not really playing music riiiight? you could be learning to play an instrument instead, loooser!"
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Artist here. He's right. You're not an artist and it takes time, my whole life. Also learning how to AI take a better PC than mine and also time and dedication to understand how to do those AI "art" properly, dedication and time that I don't have.
>You're not an artist and it takes time
Read again what i posted, noone is here pretending to be an artist, we're just playing our little gacha game and having fun with it.

>learning how to AI take a better PC than mine
Skill issue, i don't even own an AI-capable computer.
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You read again. I said "it took my whole life", I'm the artist here. This picture is really gorgeous btw, some people complains you can generate such beauty in a few seconds when it's almost perfect, some photoshop on the fingers, cum edit and it will be good.
> i don't even own an AI-capable computer.
when I tried to install diffusion it told me I had not enough RAM
>when I tried to install diffusion it told me I had not enough RAM
If you don't have a beefy computer, you can use online services like CivitAI to do AI gens. The barrier to entry is not that high.
Do you do any manual inpainting? Because I don't seem to be getting a style similar to yours from the model you're using.
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I missed a day of chibi posting!
Lovely composition
This is exactly how I've been feeling for the past 2 months
Nom nom lulu cute
I will not repent!
Cute Migus! Shouldn't they be Brazilian, though?
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>correct hands
you can tell it's not ryukishi but an AI who did that
that is fairly close to how the hands looked in umineko, they were a bit more stubby in it
og higurashi is the one with the misshapen blob hands
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>Do you do any manual inpainting?
Nope i almost never use inpainting in fact, aren't you forgetting trigger words? maybe play with the weight of the LORA, specifically with the oil painting LORA
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12B model and it's still raining inside. When will AI get a roof?
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I am a tourist here. Is this /c/ute material?
it's more "cool" material but i give it a pass
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>electronic music isn't real music!
>online friends aren't real friends!
>AI art isn't real art!

Same old, same old. The old generation will always deny the new out of an inherent fear of the unknown. Glad to see that there's already places that embrace the newest form of art to grace our existence. Ignore the gatekeepers of art who have yet to learn that art has no authority lording over it.
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found this old gen gathering dust in one of my folders
i could say a couple of things about online "friends" but that's for another thread
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These are not the same thing at all
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Taking requests. First come first served.
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Really like this painting sort of style!
chibi furude rika (or a character of your choosing) and a giant pear

me too, wish these kind of styles were properly doable locally
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you can't get the exact same with local, but here's something
lol i completely missed this one cause it looked like a non-ai reaction image. good job

the little details and the texture seem really hard to pull off, but style in your image is really nice. what lora/checkpoint is this?
vividus xl v2.1
no loras
What is the image limit on /c/ again?
looks 151 like usual from the Rei thread
Cool, I'll bake a new thread
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New thread:

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