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Post girls from the Monogatari series
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For me it's her
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I apologize for spamming the thread.
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There's a girl in this image too so hopefully I am safe
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This one is less cute...
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I apologize posting stuff containing men also.
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I don't know why these were saved as gifs and I don't feel like converting them.
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She is so beautiful and beats out all other characters in my opinion. I also think I read somewhere that she was supposed to be the second strongest character in that universe after Aikawa Jun. I assume that would be in martial prowess perhaps? Or just physical strength? Or maybe just the strongest human? I really don't know and I can't remember where but it was supposedly quoted from Nishio Ishin himself. It could very well be wrong I didn't fact check the thing that I read and it was in Japanese.
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Look at those fuck me eyes.
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This one frame has been traced over and replaced with different characters several times on pixiv.

Did I mention how wonderful and beautiful her seiyuu is? She speaks with a very thick and sexy kansai dialect, something her va Shiraishi Ryouko is known for doing a lot and she was also my introduction to Shiraishi after I saw her for the first time in Nisemono.

Best girl imo and I apologize if this is considered a bit of a derailing.
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small image dumps are fine, don't worry about it. so long as you don't fill half the thread in a day then no worries. we can just make another thread if needed.
besides she never gets posted so the content is nice to see.
couples are fine and allowed on /c/, just no pictures containing ONLY males.
on topic discussion is also fine so long as it doesn't devolve into textposting, that stuff goes on /a/

not doing anything wrong
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> so long as you don't fill half the thread in a day then no worries. we can just make another thread if needed.
You know this thread is awfully slow, so I think I will dump some more 'Nuis.
It turns out that I can't seem to find some webms and screenshots I thought I had of her. This is deeply troubling.
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This makes me jealous, but it's still very cute.
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pt 1
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I love her in this image and depicted as a teenager in general.
In nisemonogatari she shows herself to be a terrifying force to be reckoned with, but here she's just a cute curious adolescent maybe with some attitude.
That gap is so cute and this character is literally bui9lt for gap moe.
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I love mentally ill girls, especially if they lash out.
This applies to almost every monogatari girl
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