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previous: >>4306698
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sorry anons
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I guess it wasn't safe after all...
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Is it gonna be okay now??
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my bad anons thread OP was too lewd
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why do they hate her?
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Shana and Taiga
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what happened?
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Mods deleted every thread on multiple boards. Oopsy. >>4356890
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So pretty!
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is it just me or has posting on /c become less frequent. Usually I'd see posts under threads like taiga and konata daily but like for example this thread hasn't seen a post in about 3 days
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anons still recovering from the shock.
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>backtraced it
>calling the cyberpolice rn
Filthy h@x0r gonna PAY for deleting our board!
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it's slower and there are more /a/ posts, yes.
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oh well
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I've been noticing the same
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