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15th Anniversary Edition!

Guide to Steins;Gate content: https://rentry.org/steins-cute

Other Sci;Adv girls also welcome.

Previous thread: >>4349955
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The second season just did not feel like it belonged to the same show. Maybe because Rintaro didn't give Luka any love, or had any chemistry develop there.
Because we all know poor Luka never got the love he deserved.
A man can only be so lucky as to have the cutest shrine maiden otokonoko love you for simply being who you are.
Do you guys think Luka was crossdressing to get to Rintaro? He must've been.
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0 was just not very well thought out in general, even if if did have some excellent bright spots.

While that would've been kinda cute, in truth he was pushed into crossdressing by his father.
>Previous thread pruned to make an anniversary thread
Mods, please
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Do you anons know of any non-slapstick actual serious slow burn romance anime where the protagonist and a Luka-tier femboy fall in love?
Forced to crossdress by the father...that's not a very kannushi thing to do.
Sorry, i'll take my Ruka and leave.
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All day every day
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She deserved better :(
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Best Sci;Adv girl
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shining finger can be cute sometimes
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Faris edit for Hachikuji scene when?
When maids fly
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Happy Birthday Suzuha!
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Happy Birthday to the cutest, sexiest, coolest tomboy Suzuha!
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Jesus Christ it's a lion, get in the car!
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Are you interested in gacha sprites and artworks?
Gacha collab starts in 2 weeks, so asking probably too early, but game has good art so thought why not post it here as well
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If it's cute I want it
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Alright then
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This was grabbed just from website
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they're so cute together man
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God I love Shirase Rin's art.
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/fa/ Kurisu
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>developer commissioned fan art to celebrate the collab
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These are superb.
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Collab tomorrow, two more commissioned artworks
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Man, I'm loving all these new artworks.
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They got her sleeves wrong >:(
Best Nyannyan in a long time
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Collab is out, also happy 15th anniversary to VN
I will dump character art later today
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Happy 15th anniversary to the vn
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Happy anniversary, anon
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I will deliver today only Kurisu, because i met some technical challenge, will describe once i get to the point
First, easy to dump sprites/gacha splash arts
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Png is too big, so catboxed it
Inrersting oddity, it has different sprite for can, which looks more like cola
It likely will be hotfixed soon, because new update changed promotional art for this gacha splash art(along changing some legs proportions, i think)
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See can looking like dr.pepper
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Now to the last two, these are supposed to be animated spine sprites(used in mangan+ animation), but i frankly don't have any spine rendering software.
I have software to render it as wallpaper, but it still a bit buggy so some face states are layering on top of each other.
I had to delete what was second face state it animated into, might have made a mistake, but hope i didn't(already redid both sprites twice)
So the size of the these sprites is double 1080p monitor i used, on greenscreen background which i cleaned up with software, some green pixels are still there on the borders, sorry
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Greenscreen actually fucked up this sprite, because of semi transparent part
I cleaned it up as i could, because or else there would be green blob that looks ugly
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Could you tell me the method you used to rip the sprites, please? I have no words to express how much I NEED this sprite
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Gorgeous. Thanks for ripping these. I can't wait for Suzu's as well.
Why IS there so little official art of maho?
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Here we go.
If you will still need help with dumping, then prepare assetstudioGUI and notepad++, i will do lengthy guide how to dump it and which archives correspond to what(but it will be really lengthy and maybe confusing, so i hope just dumped sprites will be enough for you)
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In case if you want this sprite without background
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Both Suzu and Mayuri should have 3 unique animated sprites for mangan+, i will do them later today, hope it goes better than was with Kurisu
Why do the outfits have to show so much skin? Like some of these but I really dont enjoy these
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I'd appreciate it if you could share a guide, this is extremely valuable information for me. Thanks for the sprites anon!
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First, login to the game to install all updates
Then, there is two folders with assets
>Mahjong-JP_Data/Streaming Assets
It's for pre-downloaded content, the other one
Is for downloaded in updates content, which can include hotfixes to assets
Collab IDs are 10037 Kurisu, 10038 Mayuri, 10039 Suzuha and 20007 Okarin
The files you are looking for are atlas_gif for emotes, audios for voicelines(includes not only yaku voicelines, but monologues), roleimg(0 - standard skin, 1 - bond skin, 2 - paid skin. static images), spine - animated sprites, spine_skill - mangan animated sprite
Then there are storyimg_cg for event CGs(80xxx ids i think for collab), storyrole_npc for statics, same as roleimg, startupbg - login screen, videos_sgpv - gacha video, audio_bgm_sg - collab audio, atlas_ whateversg - event related images like chibis, event page and the rest
Copy all these files you want to datamine, and put them whatever else, as you need to remove simple decryption(just the header, delete everything in notepad++ before UnityFS nulnulnul 5.x.x, you can even script it if you want, but i don't)
Then you can open and reed files through assetstudiogui, dump them through right mouse button->export assets)
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They're just wearing some cute, sexy swimsuits anon. Nothing wrong with that.
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Thanks anon, you're a godsend
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The only collab that had not swimsuits was Memories Off collab(it had collabs from the story, even if girls had canon swimsuits, and these outfits were part of the stories retold in collab), and according to producer it flopped so hard they lost money on that collab. Before it LycoReco collab had swimsuits, and these swimsuits were top-1 and top-2 most sold outfits
So i guess it's the reason why next two collabs had swimsuits, they simply economically safer bet for devs
>Like some of these but I really dont enjoy these
I like Okabe and Kurisu swimsuits here, but i don't like the milkers size of Mayuri for example. It's bigger than SG0 anime milkers, but i guess paid skins audience is not collab players, but any players
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>it had collabs from the story
*it had outfits from the story
>image limit
>can't delete >>4369511 image because post is too old
Fuck, i guess Swimsuit Mayuri mangan animation in next thread then
What software did you use to render the spine sprites?
Suzu is so cute
New bread

Also needs DLC
Keep in mind, it can't export as image, it's literally just renders live2d and spine as desktop wallpaper, so what i did was greenscreen screenshot workaround
Originally bought it for Amadeus Live2D which i ripped from Nakiri AI project

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