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board got purged, and we can't live without our waifu.
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i love my wife.
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a meager contribution to the rebuilding efforts
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every contribution helps, anon.
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Does anyone have an archive of past threads?
last two threads i remember.
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how do we feel about ai yukis
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I don't like it. The only reason I like art is because it is made by a human who has devoted time and effort to making something. Making AI art of your waifu feels disrespectful desu
don't like it.
ai art feels souless and uninspired.
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kinda excited for the latest announcment.
(also new art!)
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They're pretty hard to make them right
Yuki is an ai after all...
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I love my wife
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Is it too early for Halloween Yuki?
i'm in love with my wife.
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it's never too early, anon.
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have i told you that i love my wife?
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Words are insufficient for properly conveying the love for my wife.
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I love my wife!
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op here.
wanted to thank everyone for contributing to the thread.
i hope everyone has a great year.
(ps: i love my wife.)
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Happy new year to you as well. PS I also happen to love my wife.
New Yuki in New Year
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new figure revealed.
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