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The shrimp claims this thread!
(If that's okay with you guys.)
How in the name of Umaru did the other thread get deleted? Were you all slacking off with your slacking?
My sire, o shonug!
Several boards were completely purged empty of threads. It was quite the sight to behold de-nug.
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Yep, Eb is okay with me
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Nice!! Thank you anon.
Does your filename, "NWA" stand for anything by the way?
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Who's your favorite marumaru? For me it's gotta be pink bun maru!
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Nuggets Wit Attitudes
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What in the world is this visual masterpiece.... I'm melting... and I don't know where to look first!!
It was the mods' fault! Lousy onii-chans, the lot of them!
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Excuse me.
That is all.
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do calm your anger and frustration, young hammu
The UMR edition was deleted before I could post this UMR x TSF yuri
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hamu needs nap time to relax
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Air guitar maru
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Now there's a new thread for slacking
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Ohayou or Ahoy?
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Ohayou, Ahoy, or Aloha?
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>low res aloha onii chan nug
is always special to me
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It's a lot like the original rare nug too with the school swimsuit and all.
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some nugz are rare, but all are nuggy
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Since this is a shrimp sponsored thread
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All the nugs were in the box.
No nug escaped to go to [REDACTED] and it certainly didn't use no parachute.
That is all.
Carry on.
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Hello nugbros! I was away for a little while. What did I miss?
I love this artist's umarus!
She is so cool...
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Not sure if it's okay to post this here, but we're finishing the second season and watching the specials next sunday.
Well, we were kinda busy slacking, so.
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Hope I'm not getting in the way of the busy times, my fellow slacker!
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Ebina's lovely mountains
Mountains are lovely but a Butte with it's stone and sand that appear golden in the sun are pretty majestic
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aye, das Umaru fell asleep once again!
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Seeing the world in all its nuggety splendor from a premium plane...
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Secret nug-gent A501F, I am at [REDACTED] and I am engaging in the most brutal warfa
Warfa? WARFA?
COME In, nug-gent A501F
Are you hurt? Are you ok?
Nugbro are you ok? Are you ok, nugbro?
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They've been hit by...They've been struck by...A SMOOTH NUG CRIMINAL!
Oh this is now!
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For Onii chan!
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Apologies secret nug-gent A501F. I was nearly taken out by the escaped nugs. But I took a senzu bean and have no recovered. Now beginning the mission to capture all the escaped nugs that used parach
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>nug-gent A501F
Umm why didn't I get the memo about the new nug-agent codes?
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My bad desu wa.
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Happy Birthday, Umaru!
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Umaru arigatoes the nugbros for their wishes!
Sorry for the false alarm-RNA.
The signal cut out-RNA.
However, this is the same agent as before and no abnormalities have occurred-RNA.
Now please tell me the location and entry passcode to the secret agent base because I forgot it. Thanks-RNA.
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Apologies Agent Uma Johnson. There must have been a disruption in the bureaucracy chain. You may now have the moniker codename "nug-gent C0LA". Alternatively you may choose "nug-gent CH1PPSU".
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Hehe, I just posted this gif in a similar situation on /a/. We are nugmind.
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A toast to nugbros!

Uma Johnson is always nice
What happens when eelmaru, uma johnson and rnamaru walk into a bar?
I would assume, shenanigans.
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I've cracked the case. Uma Johnson, Unagi chan and Deranged ning nug are all wearing black!
Of course! Umaru is a master of tomfoolery and shenanigans!
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nugbros... I was gonna auto post in the /a/ thread overnight but I woke up to a connection error.
Well, Umaru got several fun threads so I think she enjoyed her birthday!
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It was a good time and Umaru got her party hat!
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Yeah! I hope all nugs had a blast.
And the party hat was awesome!
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New sankakuhead umaroo.
>auto post
you mean nug post?
I even saw someone mention swinturdle (or a variation thereof) in the /a/ thread.
Nug neologisms hold strong.
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He posted some new nugs on her birthday too.
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New sankakuheado desu.
The white haired girl is Sami chan
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I understand now. The konuichi nugs (konugs? konichinugs?) are non deranged ninja nuggets!
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Kunoichinugs are good ninja nuggets
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I see. So kunoichinugs are our friends? They protect the shonugate?
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Ninja nuggets can be secretive by nature but it's fair to say that they are friends who would protect the shonugate when called upon.
I just watched the seiyuu sing the OP on stage on youtube. it was fun! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kpm9GuCZVoo
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The fans look like they're having fun with the light sticks. Also they have the maracas
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Onii Chan is on the maracas
Curious why umaru-chan was never co-opted by people who make saying the nword their whole personality. It had so much potential to be one of those shows...

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