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Mods nuked the entire board for some reason but abyssals always return so here's the thread again.
Previous thread (The one that got nuked):
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Here is the 3rd pic I commissioned for Hoppou's 10th anniversary. The artist was attending Comiket so it got delayed.
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Best friends!
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Do you think someone will make Brazil memes with the Abyssal girls too?
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We don't need Brazilian Miku, we have Abyss Miku!
Alternatively, Sopa de Shimakaze.
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Got a new commission completed. It was a request from a friend.
Aw I love this, it's adorable!

Also update: We now have the music titles translated and the abyssal sound effect folders and VO folders named correctly. Progress!
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Commissioned some art featuring this cutie, should be ready within this month... I hope.
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Tiny but dangerous!
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me molesting my lovely submissive wife and telling her good night as i snuggle up to her! (yes, i know i'm posting Water Oni, but Seaport Hime is my waifu)
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The world needs more Ta-class.
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Okay now I NEED someone to make a paper mario TTYD re-texture that changes characters to abyssals and shipgirls.
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Would be great. The artist who made that one has made plenty of Paper Mario inspired art.
Also that Re-class looks so silly, cute.
Thanks, I prepped her from the arcade game! Also please link the artist, they deserve the recognition
very based of you, I shall remember your kindness when I release all the abyssal models from the arcade.
I can't help it! She is such a cutie softie it just makes me want to lovingly exploit her and spoil her!
Holy crap admiral, it's gawr gura!
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The Re-class failing to complete the heart feels so on-brand lmao
It is based on this meme.
Might try to summon more Re-class and Gawr Gura content in the future also.
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Re-class made a new friend.
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For this offering of cute Abyssal, I bring news: The models ar packed away, the ARG for accessing the models shall begin in time. Keep an eye out for anything that looks Kancolle adjacent.
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Commissioned some Abyssal Pacific Hime content, it is on the sexier side so I'm gonna link it:
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No idea what this says but I love how sassy Southern Oni looks.
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From /a/
War of the Wos
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working on an OC for TombSpyder of his fic's Solomon Island Installation based on some art someone commissioned of her. Using the Harbour Princess arcade model as a basis since that's what the art used. I can't wait to see what people make with these models once I release all 60+ of them. For free, of course :)
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>I can't wait to see what people make with these models once I release all 60+ of them. For free, of course :)
They will all be given lots of burgers
I don't doubt it will be pure chaos. I'm counting on it, in fact. I am also counting on people going forth and recreating scenes from different kancolle fanfics. Imagine the POTENTIAL!
Also, anyone who can get me a rip of the most recent Kancolle Arcade Update (the current list of rips only go up to Update 6.29.0) shall be rewarded with early access to the Abyssals added in the updates past 6.29.0.
I know I'm still missing the Strait Night Princess and her twins variant, as well as a few others. Help will be appreciated!
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the first piece of the link to my Abyssal Archive has been prepared. The next two shall contain the remaining segments. Figured this is more entertaining than just posting the archive directly. Plus, gives me an excuse to fiddle around with the models. https://youtu.be/a2_oVQjBJis
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