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Mods nuked the entire board for some reason but abyssals always return so here's the thread again.
Previous thread (The one that got nuked):
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Here is the 3rd pic I commissioned for Hoppou's 10th anniversary. The artist was attending Comiket so it got delayed.
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Best friends!
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Do you think someone will make Brazil memes with the Abyssal girls too?
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We don't need Brazilian Miku, we have Abyss Miku!
Alternatively, Sopa de Shimakaze.
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Got a new commission completed. It was a request from a friend.
Aw I love this, it's adorable!

Also update: We now have the music titles translated and the abyssal sound effect folders and VO folders named correctly. Progress!
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Commissioned some art featuring this cutie, should be ready within this month... I hope.
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Tiny but dangerous!
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me molesting my lovely submissive wife and telling her good night as i snuggle up to her! (yes, i know i'm posting Water Oni, but Seaport Hime is my waifu)
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The world needs more Ta-class.
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Okay now I NEED someone to make a paper mario TTYD re-texture that changes characters to abyssals and shipgirls.
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Would be great. The artist who made that one has made plenty of Paper Mario inspired art.
Also that Re-class looks so silly, cute.
Thanks, I prepped her from the arcade game! Also please link the artist, they deserve the recognition
very based of you, I shall remember your kindness when I release all the abyssal models from the arcade.
I can't help it! She is such a cutie softie it just makes me want to lovingly exploit her and spoil her!
Holy crap admiral, it's gawr gura!
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The Re-class failing to complete the heart feels so on-brand lmao
It is based on this meme.
Might try to summon more Re-class and Gawr Gura content in the future also.
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Re-class made a new friend.
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For this offering of cute Abyssal, I bring news: The models ar packed away, the ARG for accessing the models shall begin in time. Keep an eye out for anything that looks Kancolle adjacent.
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Commissioned some Abyssal Pacific Hime content, it is on the sexier side so I'm gonna link it:
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No idea what this says but I love how sassy Southern Oni looks.
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From /a/
War of the Wos
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working on an OC for TombSpyder of his fic's Solomon Island Installation based on some art someone commissioned of her. Using the Harbour Princess arcade model as a basis since that's what the art used. I can't wait to see what people make with these models once I release all 60+ of them. For free, of course :)
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>I can't wait to see what people make with these models once I release all 60+ of them. For free, of course :)
They will all be given lots of burgers
I don't doubt it will be pure chaos. I'm counting on it, in fact. I am also counting on people going forth and recreating scenes from different kancolle fanfics. Imagine the POTENTIAL!
Also, anyone who can get me a rip of the most recent Kancolle Arcade Update (the current list of rips only go up to Update 6.29.0) shall be rewarded with early access to the Abyssals added in the updates past 6.29.0.
I know I'm still missing the Strait Night Princess and her twins variant, as well as a few others. Help will be appreciated!
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the first piece of the link to my Abyssal Archive has been prepared. The next two shall contain the remaining segments. Figured this is more entertaining than just posting the archive directly. Plus, gives me an excuse to fiddle around with the models. https://youtu.be/a2_oVQjBJis
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I have decided to be kind, in light of the revelation that the kancolle company might beat my ass if I'm not careful with how I release these models. I shall be releasing the first batch of models TONIGHT
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You're pretty based for this contribution to the deep sea mochi people. Good luck with the Hime and Oni ones.
Don't let the KC devs scare you also, they don't have too much power outside of Japan.
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I hope to see many funny Abyssal renders in the future! Also make sure to remember to feed your Re-class so she doesn't endanger the local ecosystem.
Glad to see people are happy with the collection so far!
Found an error with the Tsu-class model's rigging that I forgot to fix. it has since been updated.
The new version is in the same link I assume?
Yup, same link! Just went in and swapped the blender file out is all.
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Should be a bit less stupidly busy during this weekend, sorry for leaving the thread kinda abandoned.
Just in time. Was thinking of animating the Re-class arcade model to a jerma quote.
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Friend of mine has convinced me to make a Re-class Vtuber set up using the arcade model. If anyone else wants it, I'll include the files in the mega folder later.
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The end result is a big buggier than I would like as it doesn't seem to know that it should use E and I for E and I sounds, but it's functional!
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KanColle Arcade is adding Escort Water Hime and Abyssal Crane Hime. No idea if the newer builds have been leaked though.
Re-class as a Vtuber sounds like a brilliant idea. Like a more metal and hardcore version of Gawr Gura.
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Also I'll be sending the Halloween commissions for this year during the following couple of days. I wanted to send the ideas during late September but got incredibly busy.
If anyone here has any costume ideas for the abyssals you'd like to see feel free to suggest them, however no promises regarding whether I'll be able to come up with something that includes them.
if you ever find the leaks, let me know here and I can get those models as well!
Will do.
much obliged, fellow Abyss Enjoyer
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It's not a costume as such, but Fortified Pillbox Princess as a house to go trick or treating at, her hands extending out of one of her windows to dump a handful of candy into the bag of Hoppou, her little sister, or some flavour of imp.

(Also depending how OK you are with non-abyssals and lewd implications, hearts drifting out of the other window, TTK's hat on the floor, and a DD/DE looking around confused.)
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I bring the gift of Re-class
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Good pick, she barely got any art so I'll try to give at least some of these ideas a go... maybe even get something nsfw for her at some point.
Now she can funpost along the VR chat Hoppous!
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I've got the Hoppou arcade model as well. I could bring a Hoppou resurgence
https://youtu.be/2yOkPeXKftc local Re-class becomes utterly bewildered by Bees
Lmao, this is great.
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I gotta say, summer airfield is super cute.
She's consistently one of the cutest "adult/non-loli" abyssals in all of her forms.
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A Hoppo renaissance.
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First commission for Halloween is on its way!
The 3 commissions so far are:
>Young abyssals (mainly destroyers) using a giant pumpkin as a fortress
>Isolated Island Oni organizing a party on Battleship Hime's home without permission while she's away
>Wo and friends walking through a spooky street while they go trick or treating different houses, currently in front of Fortified Pillbox Princess's house.
Which abyssals will show up?
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For the first idea (already approved) Destroyer Princess, Destroyer Water Oni, Nimbus Princess, New Battleship Hime and Dock Princess will show up.
All of these sound adorable, I look forwards to seeing them!
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Wo from /a/
Glad to read you like the ideas!
The second commission include these characters by the way:
Isolated Island Oni, Supply Depot Princess, Light Cruiser Oni, Seaplane Tender Princess and Anchorage Water Oni.
Battleship Water Oni and Battleship Princess might appear but I left that as optional to not make the idea too demanding for the artist.
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If you ever find me on the writing discord I'm on, I could probably do a few renders for ya too. I got ever character you just listed from the arcade game lol
Might release the Demons and Princesses before Halloween, depends how I feel and/or if I finish the video for them.
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quick update: for those who want to stay updated on stuff related to the models, I've thrown together a twitter account for it. just look for "Herald of The Abyss" or @Abyssalherald1 and it'll be pretty obvious which one is mine.
Second commission (Halloween party) just got approved!
Neat! Glad to see that you also got the abyssal bosses. The Destroyer Princess looks 200% adorable in that game. She's also great at t-posing even!
Good, Twitter seems to be currently the place with most active abyssal artist so making an account for this is a pretty good idea.
Agreed, she is very head-pattable. Though I hopw someone manages to get the files for the most recent update soon. I'd like to take a crack at the models I'm still missing!
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Eh, I'm feeling charitable.
Here's every Abyssal Princess and Demon model I have from the arcade game. https://mega.nz/folder/q6I3RLAJ#AE9IBFQuuuWKqgt3SEIZmA
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A million thanks you absolute mad lad, I will let other abyssal fans about this.
Bless you.

If only there was anything I could do with them...
Means the world to me if you spread the word fellow Abyssal enjoyer! Just let 'em know the herald sent you!

I mean hey, I can make VRchat avatars if you're ever interested. Can't do anything special, but I can make them functional.
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Just a little detail, some of the files have issues while unzipping the "Princesses and Demons" zip since some of the filenames are too long.
Really? Huh. That’s odd. I’ll go in and fix it in a little bit in that case. For now I recommend downloading the folders individually until it’s fixed.
Went back and renamed the folder names to be shorter. Ran a test download and didn't notice any problems afterwards. Then again, I'm downloading the folder itself rather than the old Zipfolder I had there previously, so that might be part of the reason.
wait I'm dumb. Only just woke up properly so it took me until now to realize the only thing having problems was just the zipfolder.
I may be stupid
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Glad to see this artist finally uploading their works to Pixiv.
Anyone have some art requests? Was gonna see about doing a funny bit involving Abyssals dealing with the aliens from Natural Selection 2.
Haven't played Natural Selection 2, but I love the idea of Hoppou sucker punching random monsters with absolutely no fear, so maybe she can be punching an alien in the face?
An abyssal somehow taming and commanding one of those would also be fun, perhaps she sends the alien to terrorize some shipgirl lol.
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I don't think I've ever seen the abyssals with the fauna from subnautica. Maybe Wo with a crabsquid hat.
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Well, I DO have Hoppou prepped already, so I'll see what I can do!

I've only got two shipgirls prepped at the moment, but I do plan to prep Nagato soon, so this too shall be accepted!

hmm...if I can find a Crabsquid model I can do that. Though I haven't stumbled into any yet.

I leave you all tonight with a sample from an old animation I've been working on.
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Didn't turn out quite as I had hoped, but I'd still say it looks pretty good!
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This is beyond adorable, thank you!
Badass hoppo
Glad you like it! Once I finish setting up Nagato I'll be able to start on the other render.
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bit of fanart for the fic Tombspyder is writing where a CIA fella bribes an Abyssal with granola bars for information.
Headpats on Ka-class? That's some pretty powerful content.
What about this image but recreated with 3d models?
I love them all so much.
I've been having trouble finding a Gura model for some reason, but if you can hook me up with one I can do that easy peasy!
belay that request, I found one
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Ask and yee shall receive
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Also have an alternate version too
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This is amazing, thanks! Always loved the idea of these two meeting and Re being way more hardcore than Gawr Gura.
Agreed! I posted it under the gawrt tag so there's a chance she might see it too
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Great seeing that the abyssal cosplayers got plenty of love from fans
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I have been busy thinking about how to make this work, and I have come up with a perfectly wretched concept for it!
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And thus, a Wo-class Kharaa Commander is born.
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Aircraft Carrier Water Oni stomping on something like in Dead Space, could be on a monster from another game.
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