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Previous: >>4338901

The board got wiped but we're back.
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I just discovered Rika recently and fell in love. Neat that she has her own thread!
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Nice and welcome.
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Abs or no abs on your Chili?
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No abs. I prefer her as a stick.
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Maybe a light smattering of abs, gymgoer after 9-5 tier abs

Nice that she gets so much love from artists. Always have something quality to post here.
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>western tumblr artstyle
>dark skin
Go back.
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Is tumblr in the room with us right now?
It's very obviously a western artist and her skin is brown. Calling it out decreases the chance of it and stuff like it being posted again.
Who knows? better to call it out than to say nothing. Call me obsessed if you want.
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I don't think you know what the color brown looks like.
Whether that specific color falls under the category of brown might be up for debate, sure.
That being said, anyone with that skin tone is going to be considered 'dark' or 'brown' by most people, even if it is a tan or meant to be a lighting gimmick and it is several shades darker than what she's supposed to look like.
My problem isn't with the skin tone alone but everything else too, from the style of lineart to them shipping her with an unrelated character and it's also peculiar that you only responded to that part.
I don't want to see trash from tumblr reposted and will call it out when I see it, nothing else. Not that there aren't perfectly fine artists from there, but that image invokes certain vibes mostly only associated with tumblr or x*tter.
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Gotta make up for all the talking.
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the post kinda kills the image
I mean, when I look at cute Rikas, I don't want to be reminded of real human beings shitposting at each other online
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That's fair, here's an attempted translation to say sorry.
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We literally have an /e/ thread. Topless can be cute but the last place it belongs is SFW smol /c/.
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