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A comfy thread for celebrating the most beautiful Sailor Senshi. This edition comes with the warmth of summertime in Crystal Tokyo.

Post your best solo Rei pics of her wearing sundresses, casual summer clothes, swimwear, or any attire fitting for the season. Other solo Rei pics (keyword, solo) are also ok, but the ones in line with the theme of this thread preferred.

Pics of the other girls/characters not welcome - even if including Rei, as this thread is meant exclusively for solo pics of Rei Hino. Also no AI-generated images.

Let’s have a nice thread for the Pretty Soldier of fire and passion, the one and only Rei Hino, Sailor Mars. Keep it classy and remember not to text bump or necrobump. Try to find the highest resolution available or else in the name of Mars, Sailor Mars will chastise you!

Sailor Mars music for the thread:


A more obscure image song for Rei during PGSM, but a nice one and very fitting since just a few days ago was Keiko Kitagawa's birthday, so a little homage to Keiko-chan's (perfect) Rei.
Previous thread lost in the Apocalypse

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Sailor Mars’ summer uniform also counts
>Sailor Mars’ summer uniform
It does count, also the best version of the T.A. Girls’ academy uniform
Sometimes I wonder how a girl can be so beautiful, amazing and perfect… but Rei Hino just is… Sailor Mars is just perfect the way she is.
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That one you posted is also the model for one of the Sailor Mars gashapon figures from the '90s. Nice!
>also summer sleeveless version of Sailor Mars' most iconic outfit
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>also summer sleeveless version of Sailor Mars' most iconic outfit
Once more with feeling
Sailor Mars = Perfection
Those flowers suit Rei perfectly for Sailor Mars is the most beautiful flower of them all.
>Sailor Mars = Perfection
Preach bro. I can’t get over how perfect she is…
One more cute Sailor Mars
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That's some very cute pixel Sailor Mars
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My dear Sailor Mars.
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>shorts and crop top Rei Hino
Cute pic, anon. This one is my favourite fanart of Sailor Mars most iconic summer outfit btw.
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