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It's not #4 because the previous one died prematurely
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I know this one doesn't show much of the hair itself, but my heart beats a bit faster when I see hair and ankles in such close proximity
why is she so cute lads
What's your preferred hair length? Knee length is my sweet spot, but I love any length that's waist length or below, doubly so when it longer than they are tall, and it starts trailing on the ground.
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va banque
But everything longer than butt length feels too good to be true, in 2D and 3D.
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You just have to look in the right places. Earlier today I went to Target, and one of the people working for their delivery service had a braid that went past her butt. We talked for a bit and she mentioned that when it's completely down, it reaches her calves. Of course someone like that would be completely out of my league, but part of me does wish I could've seen it down.
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Yeah it's quite pleasing even if you can't see the full glory
The longer the better
I really like the kind of hair that trails on the ground, in 2D in you can simply imagine all floors as clear so the filth is not an issue
But even if you don't, using all that hair for updos and then only letting it down in private is also really good
What I like the most about 2D is that no matter how long it gets it still feels real within the constraints of the universe
I have mostly given up on 3D girls
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How much is too much?
Trick question. There's no such thing.
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I've got nothing meaningful to say. I just like long hair.
long hair rei supremacy
Long hair Rei is so pretty.
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