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local witch wiped out entire board

Official witchfag server:
previous thread:
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oh good
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Dumb Akko! Very Dumb!
Cowboy witch is a cute! CUTE!!

>those devil trips
how tf did you pull that off?
She's the dumbest lesbian ever, and i wouldn't have it any other way!
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get in the oven yuricuck
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Akko with some rando delinquent
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She wiped out half the boards trying to use a verification spell on captcha.
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Stop being such a seething jealous roastie, Sucy! It's not healthy for you.
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literally me
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I love art of these 3 that capture their personalities well.
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Sucy looks like she's about to join X-Force!
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Would've been sick desu
What would her Mutant powers be instead of magic?
Whoa anon this is /c/ I can't talk about that
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where's her nose
She cast the nose removal spell on herself. It's irreversible.
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Akko with some rando underachiever
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They're both underachievers thoughever. Difference is one is a supporting character while the other is the MC.
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