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welcome to the unanticipated 271th thread of Yui!! the Yui must go on!!!

previous thread: >>4331439
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Yui in a graceful pose while in a bad situation!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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yui is not amused by the recent events
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but she still is cute!
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cute Yui ready for the fall!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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absolutely cute pixel Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui aggressively hugging Azusa!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute Yui is tired!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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adorable sleepy Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute Yui on a cold day!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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incredible Yui ready to play Giitah!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui playing castanets!!! her smile is so cute!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute and adorable Yui cleaning with Azusa!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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happy sideways Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Team Rocket Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui gets a cake!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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adorable little chibi Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui tea time!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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adorable smug Yui!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute Yui laughing at something!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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happy Yui and Ritsu together!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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beautiful Yui with beautiful hair!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cute Yui being comfy!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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YuiAzu heart!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui being dressed very comfortably!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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cool Yui in a car!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui is confused (on why there hasn't been a daily reminder)!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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very happy Yui with giitah!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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Yui is concerned!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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adorable child Yui going to school!!!

daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
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2.31 MB PNG
daily reminder that Yui is love!
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daily reminder that Yui is love!
File: file.png (13 KB, 377x429)
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I love my angel Yui so much. She makes me very happy.
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594 KB JPG
daily reminder that Yui is love!

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