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Thread the Forty-Eighth Redux!

Boards may occasionally die, but heroes NEVER die!

Old Thread: >>4318214
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Spooky time slowly closing in
Never really cared for Mei but she's growing on me over time.
Always love Brigitte though.
The amount of new art she gets on the other hand, I don't like. Crazy how such a cutie doesn't get the work she deserves
Cute art style!!!
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Thanks for keeping an eye on the thread for the past few days! It's been stormy where I am, and another one is bearing down on me, so there's a chance I'll lose power. If not, then I should be back in about a day. If so, then keep up the good work.
Don't worry anon, happy to keep it bumped. Stay safe.
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I live and all is well! Internet didn't even stutter. Thank you kindly for your concern, but sometimes I wonder if my local weather station is overselling things.
Glad to hear it! Probably, who knows.
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Technically still summer...
Too cute!!!

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