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Gokou Ruri/Kuroneko thread #84

Prev >>4299955
Prev >>4336229
File: 91333737_p1.jpg (790 KB, 1191x1684)
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Vol 15
Vol 16
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File: 180_CG230d.jpg (567 KB, 1280x720)
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Thanks for making the thread

This one is a bad trace, here's the original vn cg
they touched up the cgs between either portable and portable 2 or happy end. there's tons that have little differences
File: 095_CG230B.png (171 KB, 480x272)
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Here's the one from portable
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File: kuroneko 18.png (683 KB, 1000x1414)
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Why is she such an adorable chuunii?
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Pretty sure that one is AI
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Thanks cerulis_
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1.73 MB JPG
there were more obvious AI pictures in this thread before that.

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