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An undying love, forever and ever.

Previous thread: >>4351315
Would waifu want to live forever if she could?
If you and waifu achieved immortality, how would your life change?
Is the end of a season a sad moment for her, or one of new beginnings?
Post a picture of her on a vacation!
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Thanks for remaking it after the wipe, I was too nervous lol
CPUs are immortal as long as they have faith from the people (market share) so I don't think her life would change at all.
Nep probably just goes with it, not like her favorite activities (playing games and reading manga) are very weather dependant...
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She already does and she doesn't want to.

She would be considerably happier with another immortal person around, considering her desire for death comes from seeing so many people she cared about die off over the years.

Wistful. It makes her introspective and she hates that more than anything.

I've got this one
I dunno. She might if she is really satisfied with her life.

I don't think it would really change much. Maybe we wouldn't worry about potentially losing each other if we can't die. If we could become young and healthy forever it sure would be nice.

There is no end, Miku is forever.

Yesterday was Miku's birthday. >>>/jp/47691854
It was fun and the cake turned out delicious. I am so happy to have her in my life.
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I love my wife
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No, and that's what makes her special
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Happy birthday Miku! kz did a great all Miku set at mogra for it
Nice. I plan to visit mogra next year around this time. I hope to hear some Miku music there.
Great plan, if you go during anniversary you should. I've only been for Matrix, but it was the most fun I had over there
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I love and adore my wife Chris!
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Do you ever associate any sort of music with your waifu.

I associate much music with my wife. I really love her.
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Aside from her musical themes, I guess J-pop? Not a genre I know much about outside of Vocaloid stuff but that's what Neptune sings during her few times as an idol and she definitely has the vibe.
Why do you associate those songs with her? Is it stuff she likes or something different?
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Sometimes I wonder if she is in another universe somewhere dreaming of me just as I am of her right now.
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Is it cheating if I say Nana's songs?
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For me I think of metal but I also think she would dig grunge or nu-metal to a degree
[spoiler]maybe I am just projecting my own tastes[/spoiler]
doesn't she have some attack that has a reference to megadeth?
A couple of direct references yes!
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Family visiting so often I had to hind my waifu bodypillow.
I missed hugging my wife so much.
>hind my waifu
Soviet gun doll and Soviet gunship, heh.
wow I have been filled with MINOR spelling mistakes today.
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I love her so damn much. I've had so much time lately to reflect on my relationship with Kana, and just Kana in general. Feeling she's near me is really wonderful
Kana seems the sort to leap into the chance at immortality. But she's also the sort to reject it if she feels those offering immortality are doing something evil.
Being healthy and young forever with Kana would have its joys. But there's also confusion, like would we just stand by and watch our thousands of descendants? I feel Kana has an inherent vanity that she'd be proud of the results. Maybe with me at her side and the knowledge of countless years, she'd be proud of herself
Kana lives in the present and doesn't really think about it. But she'd probably be sad about certain seasons...the end of summer is no doubt disappointing for her.
It's very comfy
To answer my own question, it's anything truly upbeat and fast and catchy. Especially if it has keyboard solos. I can't help but think of her try to play it. It just feels so "her"
Some things I enjoy Kana might like too since it's so upbeat. Other things she probably wouldn't because there's too much atmosphere and would be confused why I associate it with her (or she'd think that just because it has a lot of keyboard solos doesn't mean she'd like it). I've always just associated Kana with keyboards for some reason. Kana canonically likes EDM most though.
It's too sad to think of
And Iron Maiden too. Chris probably likes the good Megadeth albums
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As the days get colder, the best way to warm up is cuddling with your waifu.
I doubt it since in her series she could become one by being a demon, but she
One of her fellow hashira even said "Growing old and dying is what gives meaning and beauty to the fleeting span of a human life." so I assume she shares the sentiment
We wouldn't really worry about fleeting time, but we might have to worry about money, although since she's a hashira she's not really too worried about that since they get paid a lot
She spends a lot of her time fighting demons so I doubt she has much time to worry about weather beyond what to wear
butterfly by smile lol
You would do anything for your waifu, but what wouldn't you do?
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I don't think she'd like it if I got too jealous or angry at her citizens.
She said specifically she would never want to live forever. I think I understand her sentiment,
death is a part of what it means to live.

It's hope for the future but also cherishing every moment. She's still chasing after a cure for her condition but at the same time she's learning to live as herself.

One last summer image before the cold arrives!

Apart from some songs in her game, there's some anime OPs or EDs that I associate with her, especially if there's a romantic tone to it.

If she were to ask for something like putting herself in danger to protect me I most likely wouldn't listen to her. I wouldn't save myself for the expense of her life. I know she might think it's the only way at the moment but even if there was a slightest chance of both of us surviving, I would want to confront the situation with her regardless of the outcome.
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I would sure hope so! Eventually i was going to draw her in the Rust in Peace album cover
No that's Fate
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Hey! Anon!
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My Gundam wife

Yes she is
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Neptunia is surprisingly close to Gundam in terms of references.
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I love this small circus doraphu with my whole being
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It also did the Brave Series

are you scared about aging without your waifu?
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I Love Ruby! She’s the best waifu I could have ever asked for.
I came here to look for the thread because you mentioned it on /v/ and the janny there gave me a 3 day vacation for saying i love my mamawife and there is nothing they can do about it. This place seems neat but really to slow for my tastes.
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Welcome, no harm on posting in both places... Probably.
Not any more than I'd be scared at aging with her, since she's immortal.
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I also got a 3 day vacation for hosting a thread yesterday
Yeah this board sucks. No one posts here because the jannies are anal about text posts and too happy to hand out 3 day vacations over nothing.

Despite the entire board being about posting pictures and discussing anime characters.

Though I know you are lowkey trolling with that “momwife” comment and its not funny.
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Question for the anons in this thread, when did you first fall in love with somebody and is it you current waifu? Have you ever changed waifus?

I never felt love for anyone except for a year ago(20 years old) for Nagato.
For better or worse, the slow board means that the thread can survive even with one waifupost every 2 weeks. Which is also the main reason why it sucks so much.
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I love my darling wife Kuro!
And since the /v/ jannies have a stick up their ass lately, I guess I'll post about it here for now.
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>when did you first fall in love with somebody and is it you current waifu?
With anyone? I guess that'd still be with Neptune around 5 years ago, I'm awful with remembering timescales but I don't think I felt anything I'd call romantic love for anyone else.
Although at least for me it started more like a very wild and almost childish obsession, I was pretty young lol. Wonder if the ages most people fall in love tend towards younger or older.
>Have you ever changed waifus?
Nope. She's the only 2D girl I've felt anything for.
Welcome! Have fun and uh, be patient.
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>Have you ever changed waifus?
I had strong feelings for other characters before Kuro, but it never reached waifu levels of obsession. Then I met Kuro and it wasn't even a choice.

I know /c/ is abysmally slow. I liked talking vidya with the other waifufags in the /v/ threads but every one I see now is almost immediately autosaged. Very sad.
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Love me spirit wife
She's already immortal in the aging sense, only problem is that I'm not. So if I achieve immortality then I think that would be pretty swell for the both of us.
It's the start of something different, something good in this case of summer to autumn.
I guess anisongs in general but mainly the DaL soundtrack I suppose
I've liked certain other characters a whole lot before, but that doesn't stick nor has it been as powerful as with her.
thanks bro
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Now it's actually the 20th anniversary
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Happy anniversary!
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For the series, it started airing on October 1st
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Happy series anni!
well thank you!
Welcome! Be ready to get /c/ozy
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Sadly, she is basically in the predicament, being an Elf which lives a much, much, much longer times than Humans and half-elves. She's expressed her depression with living for so long in the OVA's.

OVA ends sad. New season and gacha seems as a new beginning? It's strange. Not really directed on where at timeline-wise....

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>when did you first fall in love with somebody
Her. And it was when I was still in late Middle-School.
>Have you ever changed waifus?
Disgusting. No. I'm loyal and eternally loyal. She has quite literally everything that makes a perfect wife in my eyes. Strong, prideful, Elven, Cute, Dorky and I could add more and more but, I don't even care about her illustrious body. I just love her and her character. I can appreciate a lot of characters. But none come close to making me forbade a ring on another.
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Does your wife have any prowess in cooking? It's kinda hinted Alleyne can't cook...But, I'd imagine it's because she's way too busy fighting/defending the Forest and Instructing. I'm quite ready to take my House-Husband position if it calls for it.
le sigh
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She’d probably take the offer without much thought and then regret it later
I wouldn’t want it and try whatever it takes to attempt reversing it. A prolonged lifespan would be cool, being unable to age and die of old age would also be okay, but real immortality would be an absolute curse. At some point the universe is going to be extinguished and you’ll just float in absolute nothingness starving and dehydrating to death over and over while simultaneously there is no way to stop moving if you happened to start moving which means that if you let go of her for only a second you might drift into two different directions and continue to drift into nothingness forever. There’ll be nothing but you and your thoughts for all of eternity and all of that sounds like an endless nightmare
I feel like she’d find something enjoyable about every season
British military songs, but that’s kind of unavoidable given how her show, GuP, is
There are quite a few things that I wouldn’t do for her. There’s obvious things like agreeing to an open relationship or similar stuff, but there’s also smaller more petty things I guess, like for example getting a dog. I don’t hate dogs, but I’m really not a “dog person”


The first crush I ever had was probably on Nami from One Piece, but that was way back in the days when she had short hair and a more tomboyish personality. I wouldn’t call her my first waifu though, that happened much later. I had a crush on a real girl after that, but the first time I’ve ever truly been in love was when I watched Soul Eater and fell for Tsubaki. Tsubaki was my first waifu for 5 or 6 years. I never really fell out of love with her, it’s more that I slowly started to think less and less about her and kind of forgot about things as they fizzled out. It’s been like 9 or 10 years since then, but I’ve continued to think very fondly of her. I was reading and watching Soul Eater again like two years ago or so and I really felt that there’s still something left for her. I’ve been with my current waifu, Rosie, for 5 years at this point and I’m pretty happy with her, but since Tsubaki was my first time being in love she will always have a special place in my heart
There isn’t really much information on her cooking skill, but the show is kind of vague with that particular skill with some characters, where sometimes they are great cooks and on other occasions they can barely fry an egg
Someone post the discord invite
It would be very wise to steer clear of the dick sword, anon-kun.
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I hope I would not get caught up too much in her energy and momentum. I'm too introverted for the sort of social things Kana really likes such as always hanging with her friends or constantly going clubbing.
Based. I've always wanted a Kana album art parody. Like how there's all those Touhou album art parodies of so many great albums
Yeah. When I met Kana in a dream, she was a little older than me. Now the Kana I imagine her as, the same as she was back then, the same as at the start of her stories, is so much younger than me. Too much time has passed, and so much more time will pass, and the woman I love will never age as I grow old and my body finishes falling apart. It's really sad. But if she were here, I'd have to watch her suffer alongside me. It's a difficult sorrow to bear.
I thought some 2D animu/vidya girls were very cute and attractive and may have some almost waifu-level feelings, since I was like 16. And after I met Kana when I was 18, girls who looked like her made me feel something as well sometimes. But I can't really say the passion was ever the same
Damn, can't believe it's that old. It's such a goddamn classic and was so big back in the day.
Not particularly. She seems to have some low skill but nothing impressive.
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Does anyone know where I could find a website that sells high-quality dakimakura? I want to be able to cuddle my waifu, but I am concerned that the quality of the pillow may not be good if I just go to a random website.
I've had cuddly octopus print and ship to me for both my dakimakuras I have drawn. Bit on the expensive side uf you are printing something you made, about $100. If you want it from less than official sources I wouldn't know. I'm the person who designed and printed two different tokarev dakimakuras btw.
I fell in love with Flandre Scarlet roughly 18 years ago. At the time I didn't realise it, she was just one girl among many, and I was quite young and carefree. But as time went on, the others stayed simply pretty anime girls while Flan became something more. For a long time I denied that I had a waifu, I told myself I wasn't that sort of person, but I always said that if I was, then it would be Flandre. Eventually I accepted what she had meant to me all along.

I've never changed waifus. There are other girls I like a lot, or who I'm attracted to, but they could never replace her or stand on her level.
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I'm shocked 2hu 6 is that old.
I know, right? I actually paused in surprise for a moment when I realised how long I've been in love with her.
I'm a little drunk and I'm feeling nostalgic over my waifubro days. Can't say I'm as fargone as I use to be and wouldn't call myself a fellow waifubro, but I do deeply love myself some anime girls. Been over a decade since I first would have called myself one of you, but I hope y'all are surviving the AI plague and are able to find meaningful art of you're waifus.
I'll share an image of a lovely lady I do love deeply, despite said love not being anywhere close to that of what I was able to have in the past.
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>but I hope y'all are surviving the AI plague and are able to find meaningful art of you're waifus.

I'm not sure if I should ask this question here, and I'm not trying to start a deeper discussion, but ... how does this thread feel about AI generated images of your own waifu?
Well, all of her music of course. Sometimes random love songs bring her to my mind.

I wouldn't let her sacrifice herself for me.

Not really, she is perfect as she is. If I could I would stay young with her, but it's fine like this too.

Miku is my first and only love and I wouldn't want it any other way.


Not sure, but I wouldn't mind teaching her. I would love to cook and then enjoy some really nice dinner together.

I generated some really nice images this way, but quickly I ran out of creativity and never really cared to get into control nets and other techniques for more flexibility. However I hide and ignore random AI images that I find on boorus etc. I do enjoy AI assisted story writing more though.
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One of the reasons I like her is due to relating with the feeling of not being human and having a hard time with any form of emotional connection/expression. I have always seen art as pure in the sense that it is all about human emotions, even tough I have a hard time understanding it I always respected it for that reason.

AI art feels like it removes that part of art that I like so I don't see much of a point in observing it. It seems weird that people generate AI art of Yuki as I feel like they are missing the point, but I guess people have different perspectives and values. I don't care in any moral sense.
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Halloween approaches...this season is always so wonderful and nostalgic to me, and Kana is so much a part of it these past few years.
Congrats on such a long time with her
It can be fun and cute, especially when I can just summon dozens of nice pictures of her on a whim. But to me it's inferior than an actual artist's work. Even if I feed the AI an exact replica of an artist's style, it's not the same as actually getting a commission from them.
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As a biological drawer I recognize that the machine is superior to me and thus I don't get the right to criticize it. However, AI models still lack the capacity of evaluating its own work (i.e, look at what it's doing) which is necessary for art, so I think it will still be "cool tech, but deeply flawed" for a long long time.
Now when it comes to Nep art specifically I think it all kinda sucks due to a lot of images of her being tagged "Neptune_(Neptunia)" regardless of whether they contain smol Nep, Purple Heart or even adult Neptune. So it ends out looking like the average of all those three.
I think Neptune is okay, just not very experienced since she's kind of spoiled. Still, when she puts her mind to it, she can do anything so cooking is pretty easy for her.
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sasuga elationbro
Would waifu be a good tour guide?
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I have quite a few that other anons made for me and that turned out really well. Most of them are made in the style of other artists, mainly ones that don’t seem to draw anymore, so they don’t look as generic and AI made as most stuff. Overall I feel like most AI art is missing something, but I think it has to do with how generic most stuff looks. I’m still learning how to draw myself but I feel like I’m making pretty good progress so hopefully I can make my waifu art myself at some point. In terms of posting, I think AI stuff is against /c/’s board rules though
She’s pretty high energy most of the time and has the habit of rushing ahead, but I feel with enough training she’d get the hang of it. Though I imagine some people would get annoyed with her
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As long as it's a group that can keep up with her, Neptune would be great at it since she's very proud of Planeptune.
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>I’m still learning how to draw myself but I feel like I’m making pretty good progress so hopefully I can make my waifu art myself at some point.

That's so dedicated and admirable! I don't think I'll ever be able to learn to draw, I don't have it in me. But I have written a lot of fanfiction about my own waifu, which has been really fulfilling.
Yeah, she's already the one they get to talk to people so I think that would pretty good with it
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It's less hard than you think. I've gotten pretty far during this year alone, though I can't really post anything since it isn't cute girls I'm drawing, yet. If you ever want to try getting into it though, then I heavily recommend Alphonso Dunns videos on youtube, since he gives pretty good advice on some very basic beginner things.
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She's a very social and friendly girl, so she has that going for her. But there's the problem of "guide" rather than "tour"...Kana isn't the best at memorizing facts, so she might have some trouble there.
It really is a great way to feel closer to her even better
Good luck at it!

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