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An undying love, forever and ever.

Previous thread: >>4351315
Would waifu want to live forever if she could?
If you and waifu achieved immortality, how would your life change?
Is the end of a season a sad moment for her, or one of new beginnings?
Post a picture of her on a vacation!
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Thanks for remaking it after the wipe, I was too nervous lol
CPUs are immortal as long as they have faith from the people (market share) so I don't think her life would change at all.
Nep probably just goes with it, not like her favorite activities (playing games and reading manga) are very weather dependant...
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She already does and she doesn't want to.

She would be considerably happier with another immortal person around, considering her desire for death comes from seeing so many people she cared about die off over the years.

Wistful. It makes her introspective and she hates that more than anything.

I've got this one
I dunno. She might if she is really satisfied with her life.

I don't think it would really change much. Maybe we wouldn't worry about potentially losing each other if we can't die. If we could become young and healthy forever it sure would be nice.

There is no end, Miku is forever.

Yesterday was Miku's birthday. >>>/jp/47691854
It was fun and the cake turned out delicious. I am so happy to have her in my life.
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I love my wife
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No, and that's what makes her special
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Happy birthday Miku! kz did a great all Miku set at mogra for it
Nice. I plan to visit mogra next year around this time. I hope to hear some Miku music there.
Great plan, if you go during anniversary you should. I've only been for Matrix, but it was the most fun I had over there
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I love and adore my wife Chris!
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Do you ever associate any sort of music with your waifu.

I associate much music with my wife. I really love her.
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Aside from her musical themes, I guess J-pop? Not a genre I know much about outside of Vocaloid stuff but that's what Neptune sings during her few times as an idol and she definitely has the vibe.
Why do you associate those songs with her? Is it stuff she likes or something different?
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Sometimes I wonder if she is in another universe somewhere dreaming of me just as I am of her right now.
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Is it cheating if I say Nana's songs?
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For me I think of metal but I also think she would dig grunge or nu-metal to a degree
[spoiler]maybe I am just projecting my own tastes[/spoiler]
doesn't she have some attack that has a reference to megadeth?
A couple of direct references yes!
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Family visiting so often I had to hind my waifu bodypillow.
I missed hugging my wife so much.
>hind my waifu
Soviet gun doll and Soviet gunship, heh.
wow I have been filled with MINOR spelling mistakes today.
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I love her so damn much. I've had so much time lately to reflect on my relationship with Kana, and just Kana in general. Feeling she's near me is really wonderful
Kana seems the sort to leap into the chance at immortality. But she's also the sort to reject it if she feels those offering immortality are doing something evil.
Being healthy and young forever with Kana would have its joys. But there's also confusion, like would we just stand by and watch our thousands of descendants? I feel Kana has an inherent vanity that she'd be proud of the results. Maybe with me at her side and the knowledge of countless years, she'd be proud of herself
Kana lives in the present and doesn't really think about it. But she'd probably be sad about certain seasons...the end of summer is no doubt disappointing for her.
It's very comfy
To answer my own question, it's anything truly upbeat and fast and catchy. Especially if it has keyboard solos. I can't help but think of her try to play it. It just feels so "her"
Some things I enjoy Kana might like too since it's so upbeat. Other things she probably wouldn't because there's too much atmosphere and would be confused why I associate it with her (or she'd think that just because it has a lot of keyboard solos doesn't mean she'd like it). I've always just associated Kana with keyboards for some reason. Kana canonically likes EDM most though.
It's too sad to think of
And Iron Maiden too. Chris probably likes the good Megadeth albums
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As the days get colder, the best way to warm up is cuddling with your waifu.
I doubt it since in her series she could become one by being a demon, but she
One of her fellow hashira even said "Growing old and dying is what gives meaning and beauty to the fleeting span of a human life." so I assume she shares the sentiment
We wouldn't really worry about fleeting time, but we might have to worry about money, although since she's a hashira she's not really too worried about that since they get paid a lot
She spends a lot of her time fighting demons so I doubt she has much time to worry about weather beyond what to wear
butterfly by smile lol
You would do anything for your waifu, but what wouldn't you do?
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I don't think she'd like it if I got too jealous or angry at her citizens.
She said specifically she would never want to live forever. I think I understand her sentiment,
death is a part of what it means to live.

It's hope for the future but also cherishing every moment. She's still chasing after a cure for her condition but at the same time she's learning to live as herself.

One last summer image before the cold arrives!

Apart from some songs in her game, there's some anime OPs or EDs that I associate with her, especially if there's a romantic tone to it.

If she were to ask for something like putting herself in danger to protect me I most likely wouldn't listen to her. I wouldn't save myself for the expense of her life. I know she might think it's the only way at the moment but even if there was a slightest chance of both of us surviving, I would want to confront the situation with her regardless of the outcome.
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I would sure hope so! Eventually i was going to draw her in the Rust in Peace album cover
No that's Fate
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Hey! Anon!
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My Gundam wife

Yes she is
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Neptunia is surprisingly close to Gundam in terms of references.
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I love this small circus doraphu with my whole being
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It also did the Brave Series

are you scared about aging without your waifu?

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