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Light is eternal.

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Back on the last thread's conersation. She is sometimes depicted with outright dark palms. I guess it's just the production. Or fanart.
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Speaking of Rei. I like how her EVA Unit 00 has the same "hair-shape" formation on it's head. Really makes that EVA stand out as Rei's Evangelion.
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I've only noticed this now because you mentioned it.
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Also the fact that the EVA Unit 00 sacrificially turned into a giant Rei when "The Tower" Angel attacked. Shows that the "Soul" in the EVA Unit 00 was Rei Herself. In other words, EVA Unit 00 was Rei. As EVA Unit 01 was Yui. In a sense so to say.
Just plays into to the part when Rei said "I will protect you" to Shinji. It was in a direct sense. She wasn't just the pilot, She was the EVA itself. And so on about "the inside of EVA Unit 00 smelling like Rei".
I would like to know more about Rei and Yui. Maybe "Rei" is an Avatar for Yui's will to be enacted upon the World and for "The Grand Plan" for Humanity. Maybe Rei is an Avatar for Lilith. She did say "I am Home" when returned to the crucified Lilith in EoE. I guess Rei is both Yui and Lilith. Two in One but with a separate personality. Rei's personality.
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Also. On the top of the Unit 00's head in this shot. Those two white pieces look like the Interface Headsets that the pilots put in their hair. In this case Rei's Interface Headset.
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Bloody brilliant. I'll give Sadamoto that: his character design was top notch.
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True that. I doubt it should be all passed off as "it's there because it looks cool".
I still think about what Rei's EVA looks like without the "restrictions". EVA Unit 01 has pictures of it without the armor and some of the red one's EVA was shown in EoE. At least, what was left of it.
And also the EVA Unit 01 has an Angel "Skull" on it's forehead. What were those pesky SEELE and NERV people up to?
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I really like the way the red of the LCL shades the bottom of Rei's hair here. The whole picture is badass honestly.
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I get what You mean. I just never saw Rei as "badass". She isn't the "fiery" one. Rather the opposite of "cool" or "badass". Not that she isn't capable, rather not associated with those definitions. Her personality just never struck Me as a "Soldier". Given the World of Evangelion. I just don't see "soldiers" or "army" where there is a war on that scale. Too simple of a definition for a World like that. The Evangelions themselves prove that "The War" is not something You can end with a nuke or a conference. I guess it defines itself.
Rei always struck me as a "Mother". One that is calm as a Lamb, but violent as a Viper when Her child is in danger. I guess I compare Her with Yui in the EVA Unit 01. As a mother her rage only truly ignited when Shinji was in danger. Rei is Yui, but She has Her own personality. Therefore We didn't see Her go after the sinking Shinji as if Her own child was in danger. Or any resistance when they were about to nuke him with those N2 bombs. She is Yui and Lilith, but She is all Rei. I guess the part where true love could bloom was the part that Shinji should've filled. Though I did read that Rei had feelings for Shinji. I guess Humanity's freedom is a Blessing as well as a Curse. Freedom to do Good and to do Evil. Freedom to choose for Oneself and choose wrong. But that's a theme that may go out of Our set bounds. This thread's theme is Rei, after all. Though the Third Impact does seem like "The Answer" as it was in EoE.
From the previous thread.
Somehow the fact that she can be replaced just makes me want to protect her (and any other Rei) even more.
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It feels unreal that Her curling up in pain alone wasn't enough to make Shinji go out of his way to protect Her. To at least claw at fate itself to reach Her and understand Her. She was a "beacon" all that time before The End. The mystery, the way She was treated. It felt like Shinji's "growth" was simply wasted away while he was spending time away from Rei. She was his "answer". Everyone's "Answer". End of Evangelion showed that. All those "signs". Like talking to a deaf person. Or one that simply doesn't listen.
Not only that bastard reversed The Third Impact. He also reversed his "growth". Something that he worked towards all that time. He denied the only One that was truly "For Him". Like denying a "Gift". He denied his ability to be seen as "worthy" of that gift in the end. But Rei is Rei. A "Force of Nature". She simply "Is". We work towards something "that should have been". Never forget that. Or simply remember it.
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The urge to clean Rei's room was equal to weeding out a garden that is inhabited by The Flower of all flowers. It came from Shinji's heart. An urge as simple as it was unexplainable. It's only explanation is homed in Rei. She is the "Reason". A Flower does not weed Her own garden. She awaits a "Gardener". One that takes care of that Flower. One that would never leave Her even if the World was ending.
One that Loves Her back.
How does /c/ feel about long-haired Rei as opposed to her normal haircut?
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There was a scene where the EVA Unit 01 had long blue hair in one shot in EoE. Don't know if that connects any dots.
/c/ is a big place. You cannot force Truth upon Humanity, some prefer to live in Lies. It worries when they tempt others into joining them. But if there are "Rules" there is also expected obedience.
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I personally see neither of these examples as what we call 'Rei'. They are simulacra, representations of part of how Rei is presented while not embodying what actually make Rei, Rei. So for me, I don't like them. There was a time on this board where the latter was banned from these threads and the former did not even exist. I myself prefer not to see them.

The door has a handle only on the inner side.
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I don't think it's just a matter of preference. The Original Rei is the embodiment of what makes Rei, Rei. When one discards those defining parts, can one even call the "others" Rei?
It truly is a "Door with the handle on the inner side".
What even is "Rei" anyways, if we're gonna approach this from a philosophical angle? Aside from Yui, none can really make claim to be the "original", especially since they're all clones of clones, mass-produced with the express purpose of bringing Lillith into existence, who is probably the closest version to be the "real" Rei Ayanami to begin with.
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Philosophical? The "Original" Rei Ayanami is the One that is from NGE and EoE. I doubt Rei should ever be seen as "One". Maybe when She was finally returned Lilith, yes, but Her whole character in the Original show was that "She's replaceable". Her simply being from the Original show is what makes Her "Original".
My guess that "The Rei Ayanami" is the "Ghost" that Shinji saw at the very begining of NGE and at the very End of EoE. Only explanation from "Philosophical" standpoint of "The Rei". A "Begining" and an "End".
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*My guess is that
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I'm guessing since Rei's clone bodies were somewhat artificial, they needed "special" care so they don't break down. Since the surviving clone of Rei that made it to EoE after the old hag's betrayal and the destruction of those Rei clones. She showed signs of "decay". She started to fall apart. Probably because of the lack of treatment. It made the situation the more tense. The outcome of the standoff in the End was pure ecstasy when it was made so that nothing could stop the process of Instrumentality.
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