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>itt we reset the board to 1999.
File: 1712186280399878.png (1.6 MB, 1200x1500)
1.6 MB
1.6 MB PNG
Post more images to start the thread
>Key the Metal Idol
Nice deepcut you got there, anon!
File: IMG_1725.jpg (173 KB, 850x1202)
173 KB
173 KB JPG
>over 2Mb for only one image
We're in 1999. Do you know how much minutes it will take for me to see your pictures? I'm surprise you can even upload them.
>not using a V.44 modem
utter poorfag.
File: 3ELnQRo7-wallha.com.jpg (1.52 MB, 2880x1812)
1.52 MB
1.52 MB JPG

> 1990's cell phone

"Can I call the fucking moon on this thing?"

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