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File: Marseille 70416591_p00.jpg (184 KB, 934x1249)
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184 KB JPG
File: Tobruk 84859051_p00.jpg (2.92 MB, 2737x4130)
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2.92 MB JPG
File: Voilà~~ 65568403_p00.jpg (889 KB, 1815x2560)
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889 KB JPG
File: Yellow14 88875730_p00.png (1.43 MB, 1093x1200)
1.43 MB
1.43 MB PNG
Smoking is nice.
Alcohol too.
File: waffengirl.jpg (70 KB, 1280x1190)
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893 KB PNG
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Better quality version
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538 KB GIF
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Does anyone know the artist who created these? Or the one who made the versions with the captions?
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1.11 MB JPG

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