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Previous: >>4357048
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>Days without Incident: 8
Hopefully the incompetent jannies have been fired and things will stay that way.
Nice brown cat!
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be nice to Andou!
Have another baguette!
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frog combo breaker
>my reaction to this information:
Yay! I got me some Trips!
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this board is slow enough you can essentially choose your post number dude
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Yeah, it isn't like /v/, /a/, or /b/ where you basically have to be astronomically lucky or have the power of god and anime on your side to make that happen. Instead, quads and quints are where it's at!
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Why do we call her Wani?
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The Phase Erika mangaka made a typo basically.
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My wife, Kay.
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wife cute wife cute
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Look at that bowtie! What a dork!
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duce the birthday girl
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emmers bigcoat
JK bowties will never not be cute.

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