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Next time, make sure you post a few more images to get your thread going.
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This all I ever wanted
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1st episode too, love how she's drawn.
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Just wanted to say thank you for giving this thread some love, this be i think my 1st major/not major thread so thank you all for posting :D
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Rukia bread
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That looks really good actually :^o
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Too bad no women today look like Rukia. She's probably 90lbs but women today are all 200lbs+ lol.
Everything down to her looks an how she acts, 100% I dont think anyone could find someone as beautiful as her
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I hate it so much, I've been madly in love with Rukia and her archetype since 2002 and the pain of knowing I will never find a girl like her(even if I somehow did, she would never reciprocate)is unbelievable. Born in this life just to suffer and be alone never to be loved, never to hold hands or cuddle, or start a loving strong family I'm just so tired bros
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Started rewatching Bleach a few days ago in preparations for the next cour. I love her so much bros
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See how she looks at him before leaving, I could for that 1000 times over
^Fall for that
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Nice. There's something about early Bleach that I find really comfy.
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daaaaang that's fuckin cute.
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I truly do know what you mean, we had these nice up close shots with attention & detail, just sadly don't see that much anymore still Rukia is always +1 in my book.
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just a few hours left!
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reposted from /a/
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