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I don't know how to describe it properly.. I think it would be like doomer + eastern russia + anime, it's been a while since a topic like this was created, I think you can understand what I mean
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2, unfortunately i only have these images
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this thread might be more of a /w/ thing
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What's the difference between eastern and western part of Russia?
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the editing on this is kind of ass in away that gives it a really surreal vibe. it's like I'm hallucinating
I don't have anything to contribute to this thread, but I love these images. This type of the thread is the rarest, but the best.
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in a small corner of my mind i remember a thread about "photoshopped anime girls in real life" that had many pictures of that style. I have no idea what board it was or even if it was on this imageboard in particular but I want to try and find it
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Except that most aren't wallpapers and that anime girls are the main focus point. Wouldn't be a very good /w/ thread.

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