Rabbit & Cat.Previous thread: >>4357478
...& Shark.
>>4367514k a w a i i
Doing her best
>>4369349purple cute
>>4370125how can one girl be this cute
>>4370126I think 90% of it is from her genkiness.
Cocoa-chan is a bad girl.
>>4370985cute twins
>>4371092The kawaiiest.
>>4371092>>4371094no one can stop her!
Happy birthday.
Welcome come on!
>>4372389Cute Cocoa.
Posting here in case there may be interest. /c/ has a sports team that will be playing tomorrow and we also have a poll to determine new players. cocoa is currently an option thanks to these threads!https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScIaFpVrARpuAnpJhWqHLQMjKkwXo7iChUAfmkhGiK2fQk0Jg/viewform>>4372658of course, Cocoa is always very cute!
>"Gochiusa" thread>nothing about Megu's birthday>only someone advertising his off-topic cancer
>>4372892There is no need to be rude. Many /c/ threads don't get discussion and with the few dedicated anons in threads, it's up to a few to remember.It's better to remind anons than to shame.
Technically it's still Megu's birthday.
>>4372942Exactly! Which is even more reason not to shame anons!