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> keep it SFW
> no AI
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These are not lolis
Lurk moar
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thought you posted pearls from the thumbnail at first
well here's one for ya
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need cute loli gf to walk around and admire pretty flowers with
>half the thread shows girls with breasts and hips
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no loli is SFW you retard, you will get beaten by adult woman enjoyers
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I have no idea who this is.
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Hina is best girl though from that series
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Lurk moar
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Not the first questionable one of the thread
They actively don't care sadly.
And? Just because mods and tourists don't care about /c/ doesn't mean you shouldn't. OP clearly says SFW only and last time I checked loli pantsu isn't safe for work. Keep questionable elsewhere, you know like the boards where they belong like in this case /b/ and /a/.
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Sorry dad please put the belt away.
/b/ and /e/ are usually very lewd, more than I care for, and /w/ hasn't had one for a while. I see swimsuits and pantsu with no retaliation, so I post pantsu, simple as
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>last time I checked loli pantsu isn't safe for work
It really is a shame we can't have a thread thats just for cute lingerie and undergarment pics anywhere. In blue boards it would either be instantly deleted or devolve into hornyposting. In red boards it would be nothing but porn and slop.
Not every loli pantsu image is inherently pornographic but there really is no space in the internet to appreciate the wholesome ones. Everything nowadays has to either align to the hyper puritanical values of american advertising companies or be lowbrow coomer trash.
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This anon gets it
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you're dumb. quit sexualizing them
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Oh Pearly, she is so beautiful.
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