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Autumn Edition

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i first read that as autism edition
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I probably should have done Halloween edition instead, but I was tired and Fall came to mind first
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yeah. it was almost 3am for you, so its understandable
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thats a lot of Yuri
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that might be an excessive amount of Yuris
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i love my green-eyed devil! look at her! shes in the top right corner! shes so damn cute!
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The other right!
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oh. youre right! im bad at directions. she is on the right in this image though!
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I hazard to say not enough Yuri
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spacious Doki
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she makes me smile like no other! its very hard to make me smile, but she has and she does. when she gets here though, i will never stop smiling!
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Doki bunbun
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feeling good feels good. i love Monika
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i am going mad with desire. i simply must marry Monika right this second

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