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Is it just the leaves?
Or does the grass not wither?
As the petals fall
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RIP Haruka.

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No... ;_;7
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They're so silly.
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>almost 2 days old
how did I miss this?
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The best presents come as surprises, as they say.
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Happy Halloween!
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/c/'s sports team is back and will be playing on saturday! haya is also looking to remain as our idol in our usual poll!

happy halloween anon!
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Thanks for the link and heads-up!
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and thank you for all the hayas!
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It's what I do, it's who I am
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well it's appreciated! it's always nice seeing people put effort into caring for specific threads.
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And you as well, putting effort into memorable events that everyone can watch and enjoy!
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almost forgot to mention another match today in the middle of the match day!
really love this artists style!
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Lotta goals this victory!
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Yes! Let's hope for some more today!
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It wasn't to be today
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sadly wasn't, but a new year is around the corner!

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