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I think our favorite tomboy drummer has come down with a cold, how sad!

Previous thread >>4357961
*List of archived threads:

*The Ricchan archive, contains DL links for the K-ON! Illustration archives, the けいおん! Live Concerts, Sato Satomi's discography, Ritsu's Image songs in FLAC, and the official Keion desktop app (calendar widget, desktop mascots, system sounds changer, clock widget, cursor changer and a wallpaper manager):

*AI stuff:
NovelAI image generator, the sky is the limit.
character.ai: chat with a Ritsu-bot, the more you chat with it and remind her character traits, the further you'll develop Ritsu's personality for everyone.



*Anon's vector project:

*きららファンタジア Illustrations, K-ON! Movie Creator Message book scans and Movie Setting Booklet (scanned and uploaded by anon)

*Need help finding sauce on a particular image?
Try these, which can lead you to even more Ritsu:

>yandex (can find source even if the sample image is cropped)

>saucenao (links to boorus as well as the pixiv ID if any)

*Need help organizing your collection of Ritsu?
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Time for some warm tea!
Finally, somebody clicked on the real thread, and not the spammer who ripped me off, literally less than 5 hours later.
Daily reminder that Ritsu is for cuddles and holding hands!
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I only support the organic, fairtrade Ritsus.
May I trade you for a commie Ritsu?
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As long as she doesn't steal my wristwatch.
...like she even needs yours, haha!
Daily reminder that jannies need to delete the other thread for copying mine.
Daily reminder that Spammers can go suck a cock!
Daily reminder that Ritsu has nothing but hugs and kisses for you, and wishes you to have a good day today!
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love!
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
Reminder that Ritsu is love!
Reminder. <3 ;p
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love!
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love!
Reminder that Ritsu is love.
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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It should be a crime for K-ON! artwork to exist solely on clothing
Here's the ironed version as well
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love!
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love!
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love!
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love!
Hi fellas.

Would someone happen to have certain image of Ritsu without the headband, with glasses and possibly a cigarette in a badass theme? IIRC it was in color.

Lost my files a while and I'm looking for it, maybe someone saw it.
This was the closest I could find to your request, does this help?

Also daily reminder Ritsu is love.
Nope. I guess I'll give it a look onto the /c/ archive as yesterday I went on a deep dive on Pixiv and a couple of borus and nothing.
All right, the archive links are down. It's actually so Joever.
Either that, or you overspammed too many requests at the same time. That breaks Desu for some reason, and i'm stuck waiting for hours for it to unfuck itself on my end.

Also have you been reminded?
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love!
I have glasses that are just like that irl
My brother has glasses like that, are you sure we aren't related?

Also did you know that Ritsu loves you? (daily reminder that Ritsu is love).
I guess I'll have to do a little more digging to see if I can find what you're looking for, sorry if I can't be more helpful atm. A shame what happened to your files, did they get hacked or what was the deal with that?
My brother is low functioning autistic so probably not.

<3 Ritsu
Finally! Somebody has been reminded! Thank you!
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but anon, that thread has cute christmas ritsus and yours doesn't.
Thank you for adding one, we wouldn't want her getting lonely for Christmas, now do we?
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love!
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
Ritsu and Mio go together like peanut butter and jam!

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