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File: 1544354603438.gif (132 KB, 604x692)
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132 KB GIF
Christmas approaches.
Previous thread >>4357961
*List of archived threads:

*The Ricchan archive, contains DL links for the K-ON! Illustration archives, the けいおん! Live Concerts, Sato Satomi's discography, Ritsu's Image songs in FLAC, and the official Keion desktop app (calendar widget, desktop mascots, system sounds changer, clock widget, cursor changer and a wallpaper manager):

*AI stuff:
NovelAI image generator, the sky is the limit.
character.ai: chat with a Ritsu-bot, the more you chat with it and remind her character traits, the further you'll develop Ritsu's personality for everyone.



*Anon's vector project:

*きららファンタジア Illustrations, K-ON! Movie Creator Message book scans and Movie Setting Booklet (scanned and uploaded by anon)

*Need help finding sauce on a particular image?
Try these, which can lead you to even more Ritsu:

>yandex (can find source even if the sample image is cropped)

>saucenao (links to boorus as well as the pixiv ID if any)

*Need help organizing your collection of Ritsu?
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
There was already an active thread when this one was made.
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I have been reminded.
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Good job
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love
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I have been reminded.
File: K-ON!.full.266832.jpg (122 KB, 850x830)
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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1.71 MB
1.71 MB PNG
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
File: ESWDxYTUwAYhg0Y.jpg (112 KB, 1372x2048)
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
File: GIV9ZlPaMAAhzUh.jpg (58 KB, 723x1200)
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
File: K-ON!.full.1124032.jpg (388 KB, 768x1024)
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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151 KB PNG
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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124 KB JPG
I have been reminded.
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430 KB PNG
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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295 KB PNG
I have been reminded.
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481 KB JPG
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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203 KB JPG
I have been reminded.
File: 26744531_p0.jpg (605 KB, 690x1599)
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605 KB JPG
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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348 KB JPG
I have been reminded.
File: 83821630_p0.jpg (126 KB, 800x1131)
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126 KB JPG
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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Very comfy looking Ritsu
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678 KB JPG
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
File: EsLIbrjVcAEoJiT.jpg (81 KB, 744x1024)
81 KB
I have been reminded.
This is the Ritsu thread, those are GuP girls.
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
File: WhdyYZv.png (441 KB, 559x787)
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441 KB PNG
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
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131 KB JPG
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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220 KB PNG
I have been reminded.
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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333 KB PNG
I have been reminded.
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254 KB JPG
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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461 KB GIF
I have been reminded.
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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I have been reminded.
File: 46034505_p0.jpg (190 KB, 891x1000)
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Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
Tomboys in girly clothes!!!!!!
I have been reminded.
File: 81648355_p0.jpg (2.29 MB, 2604x1857)
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2.29 MB JPG
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
File: 1448239408243.jpg (95 KB, 373x854)
95 KB
I have been reminded.
File: 51859124_p14.jpg (203 KB, 800x1133)
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203 KB JPG
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
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283 KB JPG
I have been reminded.
File: 50114490_p2.jpg (54 KB, 600x600)
54 KB
Daily reminder that Ritsu is love.
File: FFzUCgiaIAEYOvz.jpg (189 KB, 1080x1440)
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189 KB JPG
I have been reminded.

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