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Calling all breezies!
Eizouken thread!
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Sure, if you've also got stuff to share. My folder is small, but there must be a lot of the main girls from 2020
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I don't know why knas is so popular, 80% fanart from the japanese side will be knas.

Sorry if there's a bit of /u/ flavoring, but I thought this page was a cute knmr
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Slaapie time
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Good morning
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Asakusa is /c/ute! so I will post more of her also
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I think it's sort of amusing mzsk is made girlier for the anime and fanart, if you check the manga she's more tomboyish than knmr even
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Asks my beloved....
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Cutest dorks around
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Dmk time
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Very cute.
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OC is there a manga-only character?
Why did everyone forget about Eizouken?
She, I mean it will never leave my heart
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Just read the manga, she's a middle schooler voice actress/writer, appears by vol 6
Covid era show + mid animation

Tragic combo
Has it been translated? Everytime I looked online I saw it stagnating at like 3 chapters
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It's officially translated up to vol 6. Check up cat site or any place, really. Vol 7 comes out sometime January, I hope. You never know with dark horse
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I didn't expect the thread to go that well
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Knas /u/ (or both getting married at the same time, your pick)
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On the previous pic, I think Asakusa would be a suit person and Kanamori the wedding dress.. just my impression. Kanamori would look beautiful in a wedding dress and she seems to prefer long skirts anyways (asks switches to shorts for her school uniform later in the manga)
damn this bitch manly
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Giwtwm.. ponytail knmr
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That's more like it (imo)
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If Mizusaki is a good senpai to Sakurada, Doumeki is a terrible senpai, but she brings out an interesting side to dmk
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I was slacking on best girl
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Doumeki L O V E
All breezies love!
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Da baby
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Thankful my waifu exists!
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Rare fishing club members fanart (I thought they were all guys at first)
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Rare Sowande & Meguna
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