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Underrated series, underrated girl, deserves much more love
I was waiting for this...I ALWAYS EXPECTED IT!
sorry but bad quality
my fav european girl
and of course it had to be french
that hair, Jesus.....
quite a cosplayer girl
really underrated cutie
I appreciate your enthusiasm, anon. She’s a real cutie.
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you're welcome, this will most likely be the only Lunun thread here for years, I'd like to have eternal threads but it's so old and unpopular for its time that there's literally almost no fanart
We can make it happen. She deserves it.
epic fail
but how? I don't want to be the only one posting my shitty drawings
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her hair drives me crazy <3
not her
again, not her
just friends
breaking news!
friends (?)
time for other cuties (?)
she stronk!
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my tomboy
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those were the days
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Jeanne (?)
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