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Happy November, anon! Thread 143 has arrived, and brought with it a cozy autumn of repose.

Autumn and winter were the seasons the furthest from Homura’s loops. For her, the magic of red, orange, and gold leaves never arrived, and the frigid winds of winter never fluttered through her perfect hair. Homura spending so long without those simple joys in life is all the more reason you should savor this time of the year to the fullest. Memories missed by one are memories owed by another.

Do your part to keep the universe in balance by enjoying autumn so much it makes up for Homura’s absence - go crunch some leaves underfoot, sip some apple cider, take a seat by a fire, and take some time to get every drop of magic from this moment in your life.

And if you find yourself in need of more magic, stop by /c/ for a visit and basking in the glorious art of Homura Akemi collected in Thread 143. Welcome, and enjoy your stay! Just up ahead, the 2024 grand finale awaits!


Previous Thread:
All praise be to Homura, a goddess for all seasons.
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Just by looking at Homura's smile, you can tell; everything is going to be alright!
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Homura posting is serious business.
Bright eyed, bushy tailed.
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Onwards, to victory!
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It's been a warm November here so far
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Do you get a lot of fall niceties where you are, anon? I don’t. Amerifat in the southwest here.
Mid-atlantic burger, so for the most part yes, but all of the pretty leaves have fallen away already.
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Too bad. Did you enjoy the leaves when they were there? Is the weather at least pleasantly warm?
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I don't get out much but it was always pleasant when I did, a very mild and fair autumn so far.
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Homu ready for winter with her hoodie and warm clothes!
Player of Games
Please, Anon. FIGHT!!
Hold on tight to your dream
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Rare Homu with braids and NO GLASSES. Limited edition.
Hardworking winterized Homu!
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Nice and flowy
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A smile from Homura to brighten your day!
the action-packed adventures of HOMURA AKEMI!
Alternate outfit winterized Homu!
FREEZE! Stop what you're doing. Post Homura NOW.
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Did you forget, anon?
Happy turkey day! This year, I'm thankful for Homura and the endless courage she gives me to keep moving forward! I'm also thankful for all of (You)!!! It might be cheesy, but I really do appreciate every single anon and lurker here! It's nice having a way to inspire myself daily, not just with Homura but with all of your posts too! I hope you all find it as comforting as I do. Anyway, that's enough out of me; have a fantastic day today!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, anon! I'm glad to share this little corner of the internet with you, and I'm happy that Homura inspires you to keep moving forward. Stay strong, stay focus, and go make your dreams come true!
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thanks for all you do anon
Thank you!!! I'm going to probably pass out soon but still, I really and truly alive you all! I can't really emphasize that once the internet but I really do mean it l!!!
Whoppes so many typos! Guess I should stop typing while drinking but whatever. I love every single Homuanon.
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Bonnet-clad Homura absolves you of your sins and mistakes. All is forgiven!

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