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Continuation of >>4375298

Post more of Eva's best girl! Discussion is welcome but don't forget to post an Asuka pic!
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Love Asuka x Kaji
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If Misato asks
Please don't post non-Asuka pics here
This isn't an Eva general
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I do what I want
>I want to awaken my siddhis to go into a universe where Asuka is real and then bring the Asuka in that universe into this universe
Huh? What do you mean by that?
I wanna nibble on those biceps
>Don't encourage him moron!
And what if I do it anyway? You gonna report me too?
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Are we AsukaFags the autistic one? here on 4chan?
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Yes, but Reifags are actual schizophrenics.
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Being a schizo is mandatory to really appreciate Rei. Second requirment to be a real rei fag is write a PHD thesis everytime you discuss about Rei.
We AsukaFags don't neeed that because Asuka is the best girl
So which one of these is the Shiki clone, and who's the genuine article?
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The one on the right is shiki
Ah, knew there was something off about one of them, I just wasn't autistic enough to remember what the exact differences Shikinami had.
Shiki is a little taller
I thought is was because of the Hair and Eye Color.
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I was out of town for a few days and didn't have time to check in on the thread. Did you all post plenty of cute sukas without me?
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kek get snuffed out, I do what I want
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Why does the footfag always have to ruin perfectly good asuka threads? Focus on her cute dress instead, ya perv!
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she keeps tempting me because she hates socks.
Most unpleasant.
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Don't you dare run away from me! I know what you are!
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i love thighsuka
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Chestsuka is better, but mods don't seem to agree.
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so full.
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Double Temptation
If I were Gendo, I would spend my time ordering Rei to give Asuka pedicures.
I'm not into tattoos but this is a really cute Asuka
It is a nice tattoo. I am scared of needles..so no asuka tats for me
How can she walk with those things on? They look uncomfortable as hell
Asuka loves tease with her perfect feet
Her poor toes must hurt a lot
She suffers for us
So many deleeted pics. We AsukaFags are such idiots. In Rei's threads mods don't have to delete pics
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why do mods hate Footsuka?
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You're the one acting like an idiot here.
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I don't care about mods, I just can't stand retards.
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>I don't care about mods, I just can't stand retards.
The anons were, in fact, not based. They were, more likely, functionally retarded.
>Your IQ level: 4

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posting Asuka is against the rules now
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>footard appears
>thread is ruined
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>kek get snuffed out, I do what I want
If one day I find you I will cut off your disguting head from the upper part of your body, faggot.
I will rip off every single part of your flesh with a thin uncleaned blade infected by rabie virus, nigger piece of shit.
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Awwww the lil baby that escaped his group chat is big mad
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Go buttfuck your mother stinky nigger.
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lmao biggly mad
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Calm down Asuka...
Lol, that's what I told him, then he had a melty about it!
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5 years ago Asuka won my heart and still can't move on
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She'll have it forever
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She'll be twelve for(eva)
And have my heart
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It literally never stops.
It feels right to love asuka
Why though
Either a stalker just hates me and reports all my posts, or Jannies just think I'm too based to be left alive.
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That's a way cute suka
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The fuck is this?
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That's Pachinko Shit!
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>slice of life with Rei, Asuka,Misato and Shini? LOL NO
>Take my AI slop dogshit about godzilla

I hope Anno and Khara will die soon.

Thanks Anno, Thanks
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The thing that really annoys me is that it's just another case of "let's make Asuka suffer some more lol"
What did she do to deserve this?
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More jap consumer slop dogshit
Anno is still coping that Asuka's voice actor rejected him.
He loves make suffer our girls.
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Actress* i hate how for Asuka a real happy ending looks impossible, apart from the manga.
She already suffered enough!!
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He's married, can he just move on already?
Asuka cruelty needs to stop!
It's so unfair bro...Asuka deserves an happy ending in the bavarian countryside
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Raising a daughter with Asuka in the German countryside
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Be an Asuka enjoyer can be painful sometimes
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Have an exam in an hour...may SmartSuka be with me.
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Asuka deserves nothing but the best.

Hope it went well!
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>Raising a daughter with Asuka in the German countryside
Raising a family of 10 children with Asuka in the German countryside*
I was gonna have her do the poggers onionface, but the boorus didn't have any, so this was the closest I could find.
She can pachinko me any time she likes, if you know what I mean...
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I couldn't manage that many minisukas
The Dream
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>Hope it went well!
Just got the confirmation i passed! I'll spend the bonus for a Suka!

P.S. i'd love cooking for Asuka...
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You rang?
If Asuka was in a band, what would she sing about, anons?
>it's not even the official Asuka telecaster
I know they don't really like each other but i love see Asuka and Rei together...
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Probably about love and how the world sucks
Just the usual

>they don't really like each other
That's just half true
Rei doesn't dislike Asuka or anything like that
I am not so sure. In her inner monologue Rei first says "i hate red colour" and then calls Asuka just "pilot of Unit02", whitout say her name.
I'd not call Rei hates asuka but i don't think she never liked her. My personal opinion for sure.
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>In her inner monologue Rei first says "i hate red colour"
Probably because it reminds her of blood/LCL
She doesn't have any kind of feelings towards everyone other than Shinji and Gendo, but that's because she's half Yui
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Please continue any discussion in the next thread and don't bump this one anymore (or at least remember to sage it if you want to post something here)

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