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For posterity and in case things like reverse image search do not work, give due credit to those who create Rei's images by indicating author and/or source if known.

Discussion always welcome, but offer an image, if available.

>Previous thread:

>General archive:
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Fitting numbers.
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Well, I still do.
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lucky you
Bragging was not my intention. You have to think about what brought you to your previous state where you felt it and your current state where you do not, and move to reconcile the two. Believe me, I have seen my share of hardship.
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Like passing gold through the furnace.
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When i have fever i dream about Rei
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Do you see it as a "Fever Dream" or do you make something more of it? For all anyone knows, it could be "the fever talking". It's how you see and use the experience that you have.
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My mother when was young looked like Yui, and so as Rei.
Maybe it's for that...
I always seen in Rei a motherly figure
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I see. Rei's character is made on the base of "Humanity's Mother". Alpha and Omega. In Evangelion Lilith was a "Beginning" for humanity as well as it's "End/Death/Unity". A return to the womb that birthed humanity. No Eve, but something "more". The is an aura about mothers. Their hands, their voice. Everything.
I guess Life and Death are two sides of the same coin. The coin being "This".
The suffering is more painful when you have nothing to suffer for.
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*There is an aura
Yeah Rei's voice, movements..reminds me a mother. Of course her lore too.
I say i am born to be Asuka and made to love Rei.
I am like Asuka (well now not that extreme but yeah i was ) but i always seen in Rei something able to calm me, something to comfort me in dark times.
Sometimes i listen her inner monologue to relax.
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I understand. From Shinji's perspective, Rei filled the "Spiritual" part in his life while the red one filled the "Human" part. Like veins and arteries. When both were absent. He started to decay. Again, from "Shinji's perspective".
One more thing. The Rebuilds are an amputee version of the original. As much as Anno seems like the "Father". He was only one part of the "Body" that produced the creation: "Evangelion".
No one to hold him back. No one to filter the sewage with diamons in it that was constantly flowing from that man. The Rebuilds lacked the original cast of creators.
In case you have watched both creations of Anno.
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Watched the rebuilds but more for the FOMO never payed too much attention to them. I restarted my EVA journey 2 months, now that i am more...mature let's say. I still miss the manga. I'll prioritize the manga after i rewatch EoE.
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Forgive me for the sudden change of subjects. Considering what began the conversation in the first place.
Yeah, usually it all begins with manga and after comes the animation industry. I can see why many do prefer black and white. But considering what came first. It gives the original EVA a special place.
Personally, the mange never stuck with me. The way the Original was presented and what was not explained, that was in the manga, didn't feel overlooked. Considering what EVA was about. Some things didn't need attention.
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Yeah i've read the manga is different from the anime/EoE plot but i watched some panels and really like the Art Style.
Coming back to Rei, another thing i love about her, are her themes..soundtracks. Really suited for her. Also the lore about the dummy plugs.
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It's a different approach. The way things seemingly stayed close to the source material yet filled parts that were left out empty by said source material.
There were heartwarming moments like when Rei asked Shinji to hang out to drink some tea in Her apartment. I guess it's the inner desire that creates our preferences. EVA is for consumption. Trying to understand it would lead to a great dissapointment. It would mean looking at it from Anno's perspective. As a creator of a product. Not as a consumer. Which takes away a major part of what once felt like reality.
>There were heartwarming moments like when Rei asked Shinji to hang out to drink some tea in Her apartment.

Can't negate...it's one of my wishes. Make her live normal moments. I think also the "OG" rei would appreciate. We can see Rei eat Ramen, blush and say thanks to shinji when he cleans her home.
I don't think Rei is emotionless
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>I don't think Rei is emotionless
Rei always had emotions. She just didn't emotionally explode on every occasion like a child. Rei was like a grown up inside of a kindergarten. Kindergarten being the world.
Wow that's a perfect description of Rei and how she perceives the world.

Thanks for the discussion about Rei. Was really nice.

P S Hope this pic is not too much for the board...it's not erotic. I just like the the combination of LCL + Rei.
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Very well.
How so?
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Good discussion, fratres. I have been much occupied in the last few months. It is nice to see the threads still speak.
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I've dreamt Rei tonight after i finished to rewatch EVA.
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This smile...
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I have been thinking. Rei is a Force of Nature. Like an unstoppable wave that takes. For those who go with that wave it will be pleasent, but for those who go against it, they will be swept up like an opposing wave by a bigger one. Therefore, unpleasent. Shown by those that feared Instrumentality. I guess the interaction between Rei and Shinji was an interpretation of Anno's own inner monologue. Just made into a product that produces toys and merchandise.
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I'm not sure if i'd like an human instrumentality at all. It is something fascinating but at the same time terrifying.
>Just made into a product that produces toys and merchandise.
Fair, at the Evangelion is an human product and as such, in our society it is made to sell. Whitout success and economics one too we would not talk about it after almost 30 years.
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>I'm not sure if i'd like an human instrumentality at all
I guess you mean that you're not sure that you'd want to ba part of Instrumentality? In that case, I understand. The only people that were all soul and body into the project Instrumentality were the Elite (SEELE). People that paved the path to Instrumentality, even idolized it. Some would say "religious fanatics", but in the world of Evangelion. It wasn't just a belief, it was reality.
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Regarding instrumentality...Would Rei II have initiated the instrumentalization?
Or would she have made a similar decision to kaworu?
What you think?
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Considering what happened in End of Evangelion (Rei entering the body of Lilith) it would seem that any Rei clone would be "capable" of doing no less than the last Rei before Instrumentality. The all had the Soul of Lilith/Yui. They all had one purpose. The only problem was the Angels. Like one giant sacrificial ritual they all had to be slaughtered in order to begin Instrumentality. Kaworu was in on it. He sacrificed himself for it to be complete. Like the final nail in the coffin for humanity.
As much as Anno tries to make Kaworu into this "Messiah", I can only see him as some sort of Antichrist. The purpose of his actions felt like: "to spite the efforts of the Angels". And the fact that he was one. Guy felt more like Ryo Asuka. Considering what came before who, you do the math.
I see, so basically yes. Correct? Probably your right btw.

I was asking because the other day i rewatched ep24. I'll probably come again on this after EoE.

Kaworu gave me the impression he wanted give a chance to humanity to save theirself from instrumentality. While he begs shinji to kill him we can hear "Ode to joy". It Was like kaworu loved humankind (that's why he show an huge affection toward shinji) and he wanted to fail since the beginning. He also smiles to Rei, no to Lilith at that point like to communicate something to her. Like "give a chance to this race".

Maybe, with Rei II, the Rei we see develop bonds with Shinji and other people. For me ramen shop scene it's a great way to show this, sharing food with others, it's a way to bond in several cultures. Or when she thanks Shinji when he cleans her apartment.
That is why i have this doubt. Rei II bonded, but as we have Rei III her memories are wiped, so she becomes more close to Lilith, again.
Sorry if it's not clear my point, it's pretty late where i live and wish to have your language skill.
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>He also smiles to Rei, no to Lilith at that point like to communicate something to her. Like "give a chance to this race".
Wasn't that Her whole meaning? What is NERV for? SEELE's doctrine? Instrumentality was for Humanity's sake. To end all suffering that flesh brought. And the AT fields.
>Kaworu gave me the impression he wanted give a chance to humanity to save theirself from instrumentality.
And why? So wars can continue? So that the suffering can continue? If I'm not wrong you're the self-proclaimed "born AsukaFag who loves Rei"? Or the other way around. I don't know why you use the capital "F" on "Fag", but whatever. Asuka's suffering was her whole life. She hurt those around her that wanted the best for her. Shinji was in agony too. He couldn't handle this female manchild when he himself barely survived this molestation from all sides. They were all lab rats.
If anyone was cursed with immortality on this earth. To see the endless wars and brutalities. What chance would one want to give humanity? Peace in Unity or Hellfire of their own making? Giving them a chance would be as good as casting everyone in the deepest cirlces of Dante Alighieri's Inferno. Look at the world of EVA? It's an apocalyptic wasteland.
>Sorry if it's not clear my point, it's pretty late where i live and wish to have your language skill.
Don't look up to me when reffering to "Skill in English language". It's not my first. It was just what I grew up with.
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Sorry but I don't understand this sudden "anger". If you think I was trolling that was not my intention.
Anyway whatever, this is not the thread or the board to discuss or argue. Let's end it here.
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Anger? My words may be heated, but the emotion was all for the information that I tried to pass to you. Was it the "Fag" part? I was confused why "AsukaFag" wasn't phrased "Asukafag". Forgive me. I hope it doesn't get in the way of my information's consumption. I guess emotion is a "double edged blade".
Got it, no worries :)
I think we have just a different opinion on instrumentality. I think that's fine till the discussion is civil.
About my shitty theory sorry lol. (Because was shitty)
>Was it the "Fag" part? I was confused why "AsukaFag" wasn't phrased "Asukafag".
Yeah lol that part looked aggressive, but no worries. I think there was no intention to be mean toward me. About the part about self-proclamation well yes it's a bit of an exaggeration (it'svto simplify) but for certain aspects of my past and behavior I see myself in Asuka. But i like rei too... i am not lying.
>I guess emotion is a "double edged blade".
I think more the limit of written comunication.
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You're one of a kind. I felt as if I dropped something I personally value in a well on accident. Something I would never get back. Thank you.
The way I spoke of you in my previous post. I meant to speak of the importance that the red one may in your life. The way they all were. Instrumentality was awaited by those that suffered the most. Those that went through the narrow road. Death is a release. But one that one must earn. Suicide is betrayal. Betrayal of oneself. To take away something that was given. I spoke from a personal perspective. I stand by what I said in that post.
>About my shitty theory sorry lol. (Because was shitty)
Why beat yourself up?
>but for certain aspects of my past and behavior I see myself in Asuka. But i like rei too... i am not lying.
I never viewed you as one to lie in this context. In all posts I posted as a direct response to what you posted in return.
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*may have in your
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Third one, I hope in time you will eventually realize fully the rightness of Rei. I may have seen elements of my self in Asuka, but I have since realized they are parts of me I had to leave behind, or at least ever be conscious of to seek improvement.

The pursuit of Instrumentality is morally correct, even over the wills of myriad individual members of mankind, who know not --- who cannot, in their hylic state, know --- what is The Best. We have established this.
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The immaterial nature of the Soul is verified in the canon of Evangelion. Thus, the beliefs of SEELE and NERV were completely in line with logic.
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You are correct in your analysis of the white-haired one. It came only as a distraction, and succeeded swimmingly for many.
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The eyes are the window to the Soul, and Rei's is the greatest and kindest ever known to Man. It is fitting that Rei's eyes draw in the viewer. Few images truly capture the glory in them. Perhaps not even these.
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>You're one of a kind. I felt as if I dropped something I personally value in a well on accident. Something I would never get back.
That's really...kind. Thanks.Made me smile this morning. I think i overreacted before. My bad.
>Suicide is betrayal. Betrayal of oneself.
So true
>Why beat yourself up
Ehm it's one side of my character, when i realize something i tend to think it's not good enough. Not always but yeah can happen.
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Regarding my asuka sides i already passed that part, almost but still see a lot in her.
Finally regarding instrumentality, i'll reply later (i have one of my Headache today) or even after i watch EoE, in any case i'll keep your words (and the one of other anon too)in my mind.
I asked you that question because i sincerly value your opinion.
Yes, Rei is very kind. I think I posted that reply in the other thread. I can lose myself those eyes.

P.S. is allowed posting Rei from rebuilds? (Joking)
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>That's really...kind. Thanks.Made me smile this morning. I think i overreacted before. My bad.
Don't beat yourself up over it. It was a misunderstanding.
>P.S. is allowed posting Rei from rebuilds?
Nope. This is a white Rei's neighborhood. All black Reis keep moving.
Can't disagree. White plugsuite is her best design, but the combo rei + cat was too cute.
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Yeah, cats are cute.
The AT Field can't stop the cat.
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I have this figure. One of the few I have. I cannot recall if I saw the figure or image first; I believe it was the former.
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>Finally regarding instrumentality, i'll reply later (i have one of my Headache today) or even after i watch EoE, in any case i'll keep your words (and the one of other anon too)in my mind.
So, are you ready to elaborate?
Ah yes i forgot sorry. Quite busy the other days due to handover for work. I want have a calm vacation :) and Rei smiling. Cute! <3

Ok disclaimer it's mainly based on the anime and my memories from EoE.
As you said, yeah the world in EVA is an hell after the second impact, but during the anime we see...happy moments.
When Shinji and others tries to connect to each other. I.e. The episode where the children have to reach their units after the blackout, ramen shop moment, rei at misato's home dancing with shinji. Rei was kinda having fun, of course showinfmg it in "Rei way".
Those episodes...are not dark or traumatic. I think it's linked to final episode.
In the ending we see the happy universe when shinji realizes he must stop hate himself, stop push away others and then (stop/revert?) It's not clear in the anime... i have/had the feeling like that even in a cursed world, like the Eva one, (and yeah also our...) there is hope for joy and happyness, if we want. If we wish and try to connect each other.

Both Rei and (kinda Kaworu) offer a solution to this joy. I don't think there is a correct one, both can be correct. What one prefer i think just depends on his/her life experience.
Instrumentality is not wrong at all but it's wrong to impose it to all humankind.

Hope it's not too much confusing, i am not good at this :(
Feel free to disagree or saying i'm just telling bullshits :)

Honestly i am curious how rewatch EoE will affect this opinion. I watched Eva for the first time years ago but never discussed like this. Rewatching it as an adult after the (almost) resolution of my little trauma is...interesting.

P.s. i'm enjoying discussing this with you and other even if maybe my vision can be bizzare lol
I want buy a Rei's figure too...
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>Instrumentality is not wrong at all but it's wrong to impose it to all humankind.
And why's that? Is there a "God" in Evangelion? The concept of morality comes mostly from religion. The idea to do good instead of evil comes from a belief about spiritual consequences of one's actions. The only "Divine" indication was GNR (Giant Naked Rei). Rei wasn't picky about those whose souls She took. And Rei's body (that contained the souls of all mankind) felt like a symbol of an "Afterlife". Denying something that humanity worked so hard for. To finaly be released from the mortal coil. Snatched away by the egoistic mindset of Shinji.
And if I stand correct. If my accusations of Kaworu being this "Antichrist" turn out to be true. It would only make sense. This "Rebel Angel" (helping humanity instead of doing what the other Angels did) "seduced" Shinji into reversing everything that was achieved. Back to square one.
But what do I know. Maybe Kaworu was an "agent" of the Angels. Since they wanted to stop Instrumentality. They sent this homosexual to get in the pants of the "Key" to Instrumentality. Well, mission accomplished. Not only he got a boyfriend now. He also sabotaged the possibility of Humanity ever being able to live peacefully. Instrumentality was the solution to everything. A Deus Machina.
I guess. Shinji was exactly like Gendo. How many people he killed? How many Third Impacts? I don't think EVA has a concept of Good or Bad. With the absence of God and the Devil. What is morality? A human concept?
>Hope it's not too much confusing, i am not good at this :(
Feel free to disagree or saying i'm just telling bullshits :)
I'm not calling you out on anything. Like you said about keeping the conversations "civil".
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>Feel free to disagree or saying i'm just telling bullshits :)
I'm not saying that. It' supposed to be a greentext.
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*Deus ex machina
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Perhaps I tend to overlap instrumentalization with Gendo's plan and behaviors. (Only characters i hate for his behaviours toward shinji and in general his manipulative behaviour, really i can't stand those people also IRL.
i know Rei has a weird relationship with him, but still...)

>And if I stand correct. If my accusations of Kaworu being this "Antichrist" turn out to be true
Well yes, according your opinion yes he's def an antichrist/lucifer. An entity who tempted shinji to deny a kind of Eden, more or less.
>homosexual to get in the pants of the "Key" to Instrumentality.
Ok here i laughed
>I don't think EVA has a concept of Good or Bad.
Oh this is so true! And i love it! It leaves so much space to discussing
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Adding post lunch. It's nice having chill discussions.
Maybe could not get fully instrumentality but what made me really like her first was her psycological aspect. Watching Rei develop and interact with others is amazing. Never show her feelings plateally but trough small actions (little smiles, slightly blushings, small words as "thanks"). It's good. Then we have also her lore that mixes scifi (clones stuff) and religiuous/mystic components (rei as god who moves humankind to a new existence). All perfectly mixed.
Rei is Really amazing.

Bonus Point: she is sooo cuteee with cats
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Coincidentally, Gendo happens to be one of my favorite characters. I don't count who's my #1. Just looking at the hierarchy of where Gendo stands and where does Shinji. When I watched Evangelion, not always I agreed with Shinji's perspective. Sometimes I just wanted the episodes to revolve around Gendo or the things that mattered. When they traveled to get The Lance of Longinus (still don't know why Gendo didn't take Rei with him). Or when Rei was interacting with Gendo after he'd visited Yui's grave. I just wanted to spend time with Rei and Gendo (not Ritsuko, always hated when she was on screen).
>(Only characters i hate for his behaviours toward shinji and in general his manipulative behaviour, really i can't stand those people also IRL.
i know Rei has a weird relationship with him, but still...)
There was a scene (I think ep1) where Shinji was brought before Gendo and he refused to even look in his father's eyes. Giving bad soil for the seed of their relationship's growth. And then there was official art depicting Shinji besides Gendo wearing the same jacket. Giving the impression of "what if Shinji went full Koji Kabuto".
To be honest, the more I look at Rei and how She is. I understand that "normal" life was never a thing for Her. What was Rei created for? Living a "normal" life with Her would be equal to eating soup with a fork. I probably said that in another thread, but the only interaction that would work for both parties would be swimming in LCL. The way it was meant to be. Something Shinji denied.
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>Coincidentally, Gendo happens to be one of my favorite characters
As characterization and writing of the character yes I love him in that Anno managed to make me hate him.
>Gendo or the things that mattered
Oh this me too for the sake of plot/lore or to understand better the old man.
>not Ritsuko, always hated when she was on screen).
Oh this same but all as the other characters her mother was shit
>he refused to even look in his father's eyes.
Well i can't blame him desu. Gendo ignored shinji except when he needed shinji for his plan. Imagine be shinji,at 14 yo and your father look for you just to get you in a war you don't even understand. Indeed what triggers shinji to get in the Eva is Rei wounded, to avoid her to getting hurt even more.
>I understand that "normal" life was never a thing for Her
Instead i think...could be possible. She was learning somehow. Maybe it's always linked to my personality but see her bonding and spending time with others makes me happy. I'm kinda supportive for all children (also why i like kaworu as he acts to shinji).
>What was Rei created for?
As Lilith vessel yeah her fate probably is to reunion with her but does the origin of a person define her fate? Or more the interactions with others? If you absurdly place Rei in a normal family would she grow up as a normal girl? I don't have the the clear answer to this honestly.

Thansk for keeping me company in a boring travel in train btw.
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>Well i can't blame him desu. Gendo ignored shinji except when he needed shinji for his plan. Imagine be shinji,at 14 yo and your father look for you just to get you in a war you don't even understand. Indeed what triggers shinji to get in the Eva is Rei wounded, to avoid her to getting hurt even more.
Yeah, Fuyutsuki explained to Misato why Shinji did what he did. Half of it was because he's Gendo's son. Gendo himself was like that.
>Instead i think...could be possible. She was learning somehow. Maybe it's always linked to my personality but see her bonding and spending time with others makes me happy. I'm kinda supportive for all children (also why i like kaworu as he acts to shinji).
Yeah, She was adapting. She needed to survive somehow in society. But again, She was only half human. Half Lilith and the rest of the remains of Yui's body.
>As Lilith vessel yeah her fate probably is to reunion with her but does the origin of a person define her fate? Or more the interactions with others? If you absurdly place Rei in a normal family would she grow up as a normal girl? I don't have the the clear answer to this honestly.
I reference Nagai's works since he was a major influence so probably She'd have dreams that would eventually lead Her to Third Impact. Kind of like in Demon Lord Dante. The outworldy forces move their chosen. Dreams are a very strong implication of a "calling". Especially to someone like Rei if She had any. Kind of like the whole "Who am I?". That leads to a realization and finally acceptance. Like when She said "I am home" before entering Lilith. If you have read DLD you'd probably understand the similarities. Haha, who knows. Maybe Anno took direct inspiration. Who knows? I won't spoil, besides, this is a Rei thread.
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